Disclaimer: The content on this site is not written with intentions to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments. Our content is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat health issues of any sort. Our information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Copyright Julie Cove and Yvonne Becker, 2009-2010. Please do not use or copy any information, recipes or photos without permission or without noting its origins on your blog or website.
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Do you have any good veggie burger recipes?
Try the quinoa croquettes recipe. it has sweet potato and black beans. It would wirk nicely. Sorry I can’t furnish link at this time.
Do you have any good chili recipes, and what about pizza? I realize I can’t use real cheese.
Julie, just a good simple vegan veggie chilli you can google as I don’t have one. For Pizza, I use a sprouted wheat tortilla and add pesto and veggies and bake:)
What about green and herbal teas?
Julie, herbal tea is great but read the label and avoid additives like natural flavours etc. Buy high quality teas to avoid this. As for green tea it has caffeine and it is a stimulant so leave it be. Many would disagree but this is what I have learned. You can get antioxidants from healthier foods! If you are to have green tea is would be in extreme moderation as an occasional drink.
What a beautiful selection of natural and colorful recipes………amazingly beautiful!
Most amazingly beautiful recipes, full of color and health……..amazingly beautiful!
Thanks so much for your website! I have had lupus for many years and been finding it hard to get on board and sticking with an alkaline lifestyle especially when eating out. I shall start cooking recipes. Cheers
Hi! Im confused youre using low alkakine foods for cooking???
Could you please explain a bit more to me because im still confused also a typical meal plan for a day example?
Marika, you can cook with any foods but warming them just thru is most ideal or if you make a soup and they are cooked then have a salad with it to get some raw in too. Breakfast: Green Juice & chia porridge or perhaps a green smoothie or spelt pancakes for a treat. Lunch, soup and salad. Dinner steamed veggies or a steam fry with 20% other which can include legumes or a protein source either vegan or well sourced animal protein or fish. Sometimes I’ll have a asian rice bowl with steamed or steam fried veg over 30% brown rice:) Hope this helps. I need to add a menu page.
I also find raw collard greens to be very sweet even though they get bitter with cooking. They make a great smoothie green. And also cut up in one’s salad….
Hi I have been looking through your recipes and they all look amazing. Have you got a recipe book out or can you suggest any? I was diagnosed with breast cancer 18 months ago so would really love to change my eating habits. These types of recipes are exactly what I’m looking for. Alkaline / vegan. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon. Vicki
Vicki, my book is due out in feb 2016. Until then try getting Ross Bridgeford’s Alkaline book. Amazon or his site http://www.Energiseforlife.com. All my best:)
Where can i purchase your book i am from burlington ontario canada
thank you carol
Chapters Indigo has it! I signed the ones at Eaton Center Mall 🙂
I signed the ones at Eaton Center Mall in Chapters 🙂
Hello, came across your website while researching alkaline diets for cancer. I have recently been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer which has metastasized to both my lungs and possibly one ovary. Any advice you could give to help me with healing and longevity? Thank you so much for the beautiful site and the gorgeous photos of your recipes. Cannot wait to try them out! Much love and namaste! <3
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