Hearty Vegetable Soup w/ Quick, Easy Veggie Broth-What’s so bad about fruit juice?

It’s a pretty, bright, crisp autumn day, the kinda day that is cheery but demanding of a hearty colourful bowl of tasty vegetable soup, so that’s what I whipped up!  I think I’ve mentioned it before but I get a little insecure when I my fridge isn’t fully stocked with a WIDE variety of veggies.  […]

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Kale Chiptole Ceasar Salad-What Chemicals should we tolerate in our lives?

Kale.  How many of you actually love kale?  And how many of you usually try to mask the presence of kale in a smoothie with lots of sweet yummy fruits? It has a serious flavour that can be rather strong if you are new to kale.  If you are a seasoned kale consumer, then you’ve […]

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Sweet Curry Butternut Squash Autumn Soup, w/ Cilantro Creme, Another Amazing week in school

This week will have been my 4th week in Holistic Nutritional Studies at IHN and the novelty has only gotten better- even with 2 final exams hovering over my head this week!  I’m absolutely lovin’ it!  However, with courses like pathology, biology and chem coming up I guess I best enjoy the now cuz I […]

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Chia, Blueberry & Avocado Pudding- Breakfast or Dessert?? –Travel, Teaching & What I learned in School this Week

Here I am, still kickin’, after my busy week of travel & teaching and then the catch up of recorded school lectures including 2 tests this week, Phew!!  Then teaching yesterday at Cook Culture, now I can enjoy the weekend with my family, but not before I share a quick recipe and some of the […]

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Blackberry, Coconut Vegan Scone & Status Update: Nutrition Student, Teacher, Magazine Feature

Sometimes I feel the need to pinch myself, especially today, as I sat in my very first class at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Vancouver, to be sure I’m not dreaming!  Honestly, I am blessed beyond belief to be a student at this amazing school where I will be nurtured, educated, and inspired by […]

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Raw Muesli of Fresh Fig, Cucumber & Gingered Buckwheat–Breakfast or Dessert? You decide!

If you’ve never had a fresh fig, you’re not alone.  Dried yes, but fresh, not so common, at not least in my neck of the woods.  Just the other day I had to do a quick u-turn when I saw the roadside stand for “Fresh Figs, picked today”.  These gorgeous, organic, plump, juicy, gems were […]

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Blueberry, Basil and Nasturtium Salad–The flavours of Summer!

Oh summer…. I wish you would never leave for the delightful tasty produce you nurture makes me soooo happy!–and so does the sunshine!  I’m back from our family RV trip to the interior of BC, which was blast! The kids enjoyed the experience and met friends in the campsites and hubby and I were able […]

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National Green Smoothie Day & 10 Reasons to Drink Green Smoothies

Well Good Day!  It’s time to celebrate the Green Smoothie!  International Green Smoothie Day is Monday, August 15th.  Who would have ever guessed that there could be an official day for nourishing our bodies with a blended green concoction?  It’s the age of the internet–health gurus and social media–where word travels fast and furious and […]

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Dairy Free Cherry, Coconut & Avocado Ice Cream

I hope you don’t mind that I’ve posted two dessert recipes in a row but I couldn’t help it since these gorgeous fruits are in their prime and one must capture the moment, since we won’t see them this fresh and abundant again, until next year.   It’s also a really great excuse to indulge in […]

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Raw Raspberry Crumble with Vanilla Sauce

With almost record low days of sunshine so far this summer our raspberry season is a wee bit behind but this past warm sunny weekend gave the raspberry canes a boost and they delivered gorgeous, plump, sweet berries that are utterly divine!  I could easily consume a pint or more in one go–they are so […]

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Disclaimer: The content on this site is not written with intentions to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments. Our content is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat health issues of any sort. Our information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Copyright Julie Cove and Yvonne Becker, 2009-2010. Please do not use or copy any information, recipes or photos without permission or without noting its origins on your blog or website.