January seems to be the month that bloggers decide to take the plunge and do their first post so perhaps that’s why this week and last I have noticed many blogs celebrating their first or ? year of blogging. It inspired me take a peek at my own blog’s archives and my very first post just to see if it was almost time for me to celebrate and holy smokes…. it’s today! Where did the year go? ….and did I really get it together in January to begin? I rather thought it wasn’t til February when I posted. Hmmm…. how the mind tricks us! Nonetheless, I am still here one year later wondering why I don’t just do this full time since I love, love, love blogging and everything from recipe creation to food styling, the props of course, photographing it all and yes indeed the writing! I just can’t get enough of this blogosphere so thus is the reason why I am just about complete with my retail career of 19 years and am winding down my furniture & accessories store in roughly 4 weeks. This will allow me to be free to pursue blogs, cookbooks, articles, teaching…. whatever comes my way that I choose to devour! I can’t wait! I feel like a kid in a candy store, not sure what opportunities I should pick cuz really, I want them all! And I want to share it all with You, inspiring the healthiest You possible!
It’s funny how when you start these new journeys you aren’t quite sure where they will lead and really, I still don’t quite know exactly after one year, but I have a good sense that I will love it and it will be a success. Already opportunities and kindred spirits are coming my way leading me along the path of further inspiring a healthy lifestyle. After just reading The Power by Rhonda Byrne of the Secret, I am open to the positive energy that is flowing toward me.
Yvonne and I wanted to inspire an Alkaline Lifestyle for anyone that would tune in and it’s been an honour sharing our passion with You, our loyal readers. With my passion for the visible part of the blog and Yvonne’s expertise with the behind the scenes, together we work well bringing the latest healthy alkaline recipes to you. My hope is that Yvonne, my Alkaline Sister, will be more visible to you this year as she has inspiring and valuable content to contribute even though her schedule can be rather tricky.
As I began my first post 1 year ago I was sharing how fearful I was that I would miss my morning latte that I was so accustomed to prior to my alkaline lifestyle shift and still one year later, (2 1/2 years since the shift) I am rejoicing in the fact that I don’t yearn for coffee and dairy anymore. I get my kicks by enjoying the occasional decaf almond milk latte with a friend in a cafe or I fire up my fancy latte machine, pull a decaf shot and steam some frothy organic almond milk, sprinkle with cinnamon, a wee bit of grated dark chocolate, and perhaps a drizzle of agave if you please. The prettier the mug, the better!
So today I think that’s just what I will celebrate with once I finish this post since I didn’t wake up realizing it was such a big day for me! Anything for an excuse to celebrate! I might just even take a peek in the new Alive Magazine and give myself some undivided reading time on my favourite subject, healthy living!
Thank you for being a part of The Alkaline Sisters’ first year and for inspiring us to keep going. Your readership, comments and friendly support make this the most rewarding and addictive career that we are soooo excited to continue exploring.
A big Green Smoothie or Decaf Almond Milk Latte cheer between you and both of us–clink!
Julie and Yvonne, the Alkaline Sisters

love what you guys are doing over here! happy new year<3
Happy blog-iversary!
Happy Blogiversary!! Looking forward to lots more healthy and delicious inspiration from The Alkaline Sisters. Green smoothie cheers! 🙂
Thank you Jennifer, Cheers!
Wow, I just found your blog, while looking for some info on an alkaline diet and here I am. I love this post as I’m embarking on my own blog and yes I started at the beginning of the year. I don’t know where this journey is taking , but I’m definitely ready for the ride. I’ll be subscribing and continued success to you!!!
Michele, all the best to you for your Blogging Journey. Thanx for stopping by:)
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