Hey Happy September! Summer happened (it was really great over here, hope your summer was too!) and here we are heading into a warm fall and hopefully not too chilly of a winter! Some of you are enjoying spring, I’m totally jealous…. as I’m a spring baby and that’s my season of all seasons!
However, home sweet home….I’m ready for some tasty breakfasts that help me feel energized yet I’m not quite ready for a hot porridge. I’ll save that for the rainy and snowy mornings. This Lavender Chia Porridge recipe is from my book and was just featured by my dear online friend Tess on her blog The Blender Girl. She so kindly did a wonderful summary of my book while sharing this recipe for you and for all her readers to enjoy this season.
If you jump on over to her blog you’ll find this recipe as well as a great place for smoothies recipes as well as her two cook books, her 14-day clean eating program and, and, and… she even has a fabulous app that I just downloaded to make it even easier to whip up the tastiest and most nutritious smoothies ever!
Oh and if you are looking for more regular posts from the Alkaline Sister, that’s me of course, my Instagram is where I find it most convenient to share–check out my stories there too as that’s been fun to post on as well! You can also go to my Facebook page too! I’ll be here sharing on this blog too but less frequently.
If you missed the article in Yam Magazine you’ll be inspired by a wonderful story of motherhood with 4 moms and their journey, one of whom is yours truly! It’s now available for free to read online.
And lastly if you haven’t picked up a copy of my recent book Eat Better, Live Better, Feel Better just click the book image on the right and you’ll be off to a healthier you!
Have a wonderful weekend and happy Alkalizing my dear friends 🙂
Julie, your alkaline sister

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