Have you ever experienced a serious near miss? A near miss that could have caused you terrible harm or harm to your loved ones. Well, it happened to me just two weeks ago, my first ever serious near miss. My kids and I experienced a true miracle where we were involved in a serious car accident. Angels were watching over us I swear as we walked away without a scratch. Traumatized, whip lashed, yes but still in one piece. It sends you into a real state. I’m still feeling rather bent out of shape over it all. Thank goodness kids tend to release their fear and move on. They shrieked and screamed and got the fear out. I’m not so sure I did. Time. It takes time is what I’m told. The past few days are getting sooo much better. But motivation? Boy, it zapped that and tired? I was absolutely exhausted! As horrible as it all was to endure my gratefulness is obvious to me when I realize I can share my experience right here and move thru this time paying close attention to my body and applying all that I learned in nutrition school in order to heal my body from the trauma I experienced.
Studies are showing that this kind of trauma isn’t just a mental trauma contained within the brain. Our body’s tissues also experience and carry the trauma thus it is throughout the body. Many folks believe in counseling and therapy for trauma but nutrition can have an enormous influence on the success of recovery as each and every cell needs some TLC to help it heal. So if you are suffering from any kind of trauma it’s really important to consider your dietary intake and focus on nourishing the body in order for it to do the necessary work and bring your mental state back into focus. So far, I’ve been doing just that by avoiding any alcohol (not that I’m a boozer but there’s been the odd event) while striving for lots and lots of alkaline vegetables, raw and steamed to replenish the vitamin and mineral loss and the acidic nature that was created during and after the accident. The body works to balance by consuming magnesium in huge volume to balance the stress on the body and recover from the rush of adrenaline that occurred so supplementing here is very beneficial to replenish and keep your mineral ratios healthy . Vitamin C is also in high demand to heal the post trauma to the tissues as it allows the body to quickly clear out cortisol, a primary stress hormone that increases sugars in the bloodstream. Cortisol is secreted during your fight or flight mode when the incident occurs but needs to be flushed after the good it does for this important response. A good quality powdered vitamin C is highly recommended. Food sources will provide some but when you become so depleted you are best to boost your levels back up as fast a as possible for the quickest recovery.
In an attempt to do only joyful things this week I created and photographed this yummy recipe for you. Take a peek!
Simplicity. It’s the simple things that really truly taste delicious and are the healthiest while being easier for our body to digest. I usually like to inspire something a little more in depth when it comes to recipes here but I couldn’t resist this simple idea that is just divine! I’ve been on a lavender kick and have enjoyed it in a few sweet treats but hadn’t thought to add it to homemade almond milk til Kathleen, a good friend and class mate from nutrition school, suggested it last week. Ever since, I’ve had this burning desire to test it out and now after a few batches I feel that this is very worthy of sharing with you. I hope you agree. Thank you Kathleen:) And I know, it isn’t exactly lavender season here but I actually found a few stragglers on the neighbors bush so that is what I used, however you can substitute dried which is usually easy to find.
You can most certainly experiment with the volume of water to adjust the creaminess of the milk. Of course, the 4 cups will yield the most thus it is more economical but…..the velvety, subtly sweet, gentle lavender infused milk is absolutely exquisite. Soooo good that honestly….the best way to enjoy it is tojust drink it in a glass. Of course, use it for other things but it is so deelish that you’ll be hard pressed to not drink it before you get a chance to make anything with it! Ideas for your fresh milk include using it for this chia porridge minus all the spices perhaps, this smoothie or this buckwheat smoothie. But again, just a nice pour over sliced banana or fresh berries is a perfect way to enjoy this creamy milk.
In a perfect world I would make all my own almond milk instead of purchasing the organic tetra paks. However, after making this now quite a few times, I am becoming more and more addicted to the pure clean whole food flavour and the gorgeous creaminess. I feel far more nourished knowing that it is not processed with binding agents and additives. On the flip side, choosing processed almond milk over dairy is still a HUGE step in the right direction toward optimal health. If you don’t have time to make this often, go easy on yourself and do the best you can with the time and the resources that you have. Make this as a treat and then slowly get addicted so you will then make it more of a priority and who knows what will end up in your fridge and in your recipes!
Lavender Almond Milk
Yield: 3-4 cups
1 cup raw organic unpasteurized almonds (Spanish if you can find them) + filtered water for soaking
3-4 cups filtered water for blending
2 dates, seeded, diced and soaked for 30 mins
1 1/2 tsp fresh lavender petals or 1 tsp dried
1 tsp organic alcohol free vanilla
1 sheer fabric nut milk bag or quite a few layers of cheese cloth
Soak almonds in filtered water overnight or 8-12 hours. Drain and rinse. Place in blender with either 3 or 4 cups of filtered water then add dates, lavender, vanilla and blend for a good minute until you see fine granules in the mix. Place nut milk bag in large bowl and pour mixture into bag (easiest if someone holds it for you) Then allow the liquid to run thru and then gather and twist the bag slowly til you are able to grasp the mass and begin to squeeze working down to a twisting to press the most liquid possible from the bag. One could also hang the bag and let it strain itself.
Pour into a pretty bottle and enjoy. This will keep if well chilled for 4-5 days, that is, if you don’t slurp it all up before then!
I keep returning to this place of gratefulness. I don’t feel anger over this whole car incident, I am just ever so relieved and counting my blessings that all those involved in the crash were physically unharmed. No matter who is at fault, it was an accident. No one intentionally tried to inflict injury. My 11yr old son asked me, “Why do you think it happened, cuz I you always say that everything always happens for a reason?” My answer was “So that we could be reminded to be ever so grateful every. single. day. for each other and never take each other for granted”. So that we can appreciate our friends and family and all of those that love and care about us who were sending us love and good wishes in thought and in script who were also very thankful we are safe. We are grateful. We feel blessed. We are loved by many. And we appreciate each other.
Thank you for being here to listen to our story and support this journey of healing.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Pick up some nice raw almonds and pop them in some water to soak so you can blend away and enjoy some almond creaminess this week:)

Thank you for this wonderful post:-) I’m sorry that you and your little loved ones had to experience such a scare… so glad that you guys are ok. You are absolutely right, rest and good nutrition will help heal your soul and body from this experience. Much love to you all. xo
Vicki, thanks for your kind words. As terrible as it was I am constantly looking for the gifts that we will receive and learn from instead of harboring any anger. I’m feeling better every day and so are the kids, thank goodness. Hugs to you and yours, miss you!
This is such a wonderful post! Mainly because you and your family are fine but also because of your explanation of trauma and its effect on the body. After my car accident I drank two cups of coffee! …. 😉 (I’ve learned a lot since then)
I just want you to know how much you have helped me, Julie. This blog is a huge source of information and comfort to me. Thank you much! xo
Oh phew, that sounds so scary. So glad you’re all ok….a good reminder for us all not to take each other for granted, thank you.
This recipe sounds delicious. I have lots of organic almonds with skins on them – not blanched. Assume that is ok?
NIcky, raw almonds with the skin on is exactly what you want. Blanched means they have been heated to remove the skins. This means they most likely have damaged oils and enzymes going on so not as ideal for the body as the raw soaked nuts. Good luck, let me know how it goes!
I am so happy you are unscathed physically. Being a friend from far away… how would I know if you were in the hospital or in need of help? I remember when you posted the photo of your kids watching the iPad{?} on the couch. I hugged my kids as soon as I could after that. If every thing happens for a reason, then the reason was to also help your friends remember how lucky they are to be alive and well.
In your recipe directions, did you mean to write out 3-4 cups filtered water in the blender with the soaked almonds? It says almond milk and I wondered if that was just a typing error.
I wonder if we will ever see each other again. I hope so, you are a neat woman, someone I am happy to call my friend.
Oh Ivy, you feel like a very good friend from afar too! Sooo hope we get to connect again some day, would love to visit or travel with you somewhere too! I love this world of connecting via blogs, instagram and facebook so we can know what each other is up to, so cool isn’t it? Thanks for your kind words on facebook and now, regarding our miracle. So nice to have friends that truly are concerned for us all.
Oh and sheesh, my brain must have bleeped out and I said almond milk instead of water in the recipe. I’ve fixed it now, thank you for pointing it out friend:)
Hugs across the miles to you and your gang:)
So glad to hear that you are alright! Thanks for this beautiful site and your creative ideas.
I went through a similar incident when my kids were small, our car was hit and spun around and around…my hair fell out for several months following the accident! We were also all ok, but I know how disorienting such an experience can be. The almond milk is fascinating to me, I’ve seen it but never tasted it, now I need to make it, thanks!
So Glad that you came out of your ordeal unscathed…at least physically :):) My Husband is a craniosacral therapist and works a lot with trauma. That might help to get your energy back to normal.
I am going to try this lovely lavender milk. YUM!
I just love anything with Lavender!
Hi Julie! I’ve been dying to try making my own almond milk for so long. Do you have any recommendations on where to buy unpasteurized almonds online? Any reputable sources? Also, should I worry being pregnant about unpasteurized almonds or will they be safe? I can’t wait to hear your recommendations so I can order the almonds and give this a try!
Vanessa, The links below are informative, you can take a peek. I believe that the inner terrain of our body is what determines our health. Dr. Young’s Book, The pH Miracle revised, is a great source for understanding this. When your body is balanced, bacteria and toxins will be handled efficiently without causing a disturbance or disease. However, if you, the host, have a compromised terrain then there is a much greater chance that you will become ill, a breeding ground for bacteria. Alkalizing the body is the way to balance and flush toxins in order to stay healthy and avoid disease and illness. In a class room of children, the ones that don’t get sick when others are sick are the ones that aren’t attractive to the bacteria, their terrain is balanced and is not an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria. You will have to decide for yourself which risk you take, unpasteurized with a risk of bacteria or pasteurized with chemicals.
You can find some unpasteurized almonds here at Amazon If you google there were a few others too. You may also just be able to find them at a local health food store and you could talk to them about their source. They should be sold and stored in the refrigerators to maintain freshness.
DR.Mercola discusses the process of pasteurization here
All my best for you and baby on board:)
Thanks Julie for the helpful info!
This looks and sounds delicious! Do you know if this will have as much calcium as the almond milk from the store? (The jug I have says 30% of the recommended intake per cup) I would love to make homemade almond milk instead but i am concerned with my toddler getting enough calcium. Any idea? Thank you!
HI Lia, congrats on being open to the idea of swapping dairy for other milks, yay! You will have the healthiest kid in school if you do. Dairy is mucous forming and is a BIG part of why soooo many kids have messy noses all the time and colds of course. Sugar is the other main reason along with too much processed grains as all of these are highly acid forming. Almond milk particularly this homemade kind (store bought pales in comparison but can be handy for sure), is amazing and is alkaline, filled with lots of good nutrients and good fats. As for calcium it does contain a reasonable amount, however calcium is available in many, many foods in small amounts and the best way to get your calcium is from a variety of sources-most veggies contain some calcium, higher amounts are found mainly in dark green veggies, sesame seeds, flax seeds. Kale is rich in calcium as are collard greens with 10% of the daily RDA in one cup. If you eat an alkaline diet high in raw and lightly steamed veggies in a wide variety you won’t have any problem meeting the RDA. I can’t stress enough how important it is to introduce greens at a young age before your child decides they don’t like green things- and even still you can convince them like I did- just takes longer. Green juice is an ideal way to do this as are green smoothies as long as you don’t imbalance it with too much fruit. 80/20 should be the ratio – 80% veggies to 20% fruit or no fruit at all if you can get them used to this. If you introduce this for morning, once again, you will rarely need to see a doctor for your child’s health. We haven’t been to one for illness in nearly 4 yrs now and my kids are 7 and 11!-and we juice every morning without fail! I hope this helps:) Thx for dropping in.
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