Get ready for a post that could change your life. Today I have 5 juice recipes and info for a what many Alkavorians call a “juice feast” that is also considered a” juice cleanse”. I’ll start with a few recipes for those of you who are anxious to get juicing and then get into the nitty gritty of the feast. Are you feeling sluggish in your day to day health routine? If you are like most of us you droop at 10:30 or 3 in the afternoon and are looking for coffee. You’ll be glad you read this post as fresh juice gives you energy and vitality that you will notice right away since they are so easily assimilated by your body and bloodstream, you can feel the boost within 20 minutes. How’s that for an energy boost, filled with all the natural vitamins & minerals your body craves while building your immune system. If you are new to juicing or curious read here for Fifty Fascinating Facts about juicing.
Tasty fresh juice recipes need not be complicated. I have found with experimenting that the simple flavours of fresh veggies can be highlighted or buried. I rather enjoy tasting the individual veggies I put in and combining them in various ways. I certainly encourage you to do your own experimenting as it’s fun and exciting to find interesting combinations that become favourites. Always start with fresh ingredients. Using sad leftover produce will not give you the flavour nor the nutrition you require. If you don’t have a juicer yet, it’s time you got one! My recommendation for quality and value is the Breville with centrifugal models priced from approx $150-$400 Canadian. A masticating juicer is much, much pricier but yields more juice leaving greater levels of precious enzymes in tact allowing you to store the fresh juice longer than 30-60 minutes while maintaining it’s nutritional value. I still recommend drinking your juice immediately for best results but using this type of extraction is how some bottled fresh juices have a small shelf life maintaining nutrition and flavour. Organic Avenue in Long Island, New York ships juices for a complete cleanse if you don’t want or don’t have the time to make your own. You can read more about the types of juicers here and here. If you wish to make use of the pulp that is left over from juicing I recommend getting a dehydrator or researching recipes (the Breville hand book has recipes) for this pulp that can be made into a myriad of goodies. Right now I am focusing on great soil for the garden and am composting for that purpose so I haven’t explored using the pulp for recipes–yet. But I will get to it eventually. I don’t feel like I am wasting especially if it makes it’s way to our garden, helping to grow delicious wholesome veggies to juice all over again!
The recipes below are a few of the ones that I enjoy using for this juice feast or just as a snack when I am craving some serious nourishment. I juice every morning for our family, it’s a ritual. We have our favourite recipe right here but we do stray now and again. The simple recipe for the carrot juice makes me lose my mind, it’s so yummy with the lemon. The beet juice sound may sound rather terrifying but you’d be some surprised how delicious it is with the ginger and the lemon! Give them a whirl and see what you like and then get creative–and then report back:)
Carrot & Lemon Juice
4-5 peeled carrots, ends trimmed (peel only if they need peeling)
1 lemon peeled (you must peel all citrus fruit prior to juicing)
Place in juicer and drink immediately. Yields approx 8 oz
Fresh juice enzymes are alive and must be ingested at their maximum freshness to gain the benefits. The juice also loses it’s delicious taste if stored. I find that 30 mins is the most time I can let a juice rest before the taste really changes, becoming less effective.
This juice is just divine I have to say. If you’ve ever tasted canned carrot juice you’ll be very pleased to find that this doesn’t even resemble that nasty stuff. You’ll be suddenly craving carrot juice after tasting this!
Green Juices
Cucumber Fennel
1 cucumber
a piece of fennel
1 lemon peeled
1 stalk celery
few stems of bok choy.
Place in juicer and drink immediately. Yields approx 8 oz
Green Ginger Ale
1 cucumber
few stems each of mint & parsley
2 leaves of kale, 1/2 in piece of ginger
1 lemon peeled
Place in juicer and drink immediately. Yields approx 8 oz
Creamy Greens
1 cucumber
a few broccoli stems
1 stalk celery
few stems of bok choy
a 3-4 inch piece of parsnip
a small wedge of cabbage
few stems parsley & basil too if you have
Place in juicer then pour this green juice into the blender and add 1 avocado, 1 small clove garlic, pinch of sea salt and 1-2 teaspoons of Braggs soy sauce. This is my favourite and I save it for lunch or for dinner during this cleanse. I sometimes even pour it into a bowl as a soup- delicious!
Beet, Lemon & Ginger Juice
4 medium beets peeled (I recommend peeling or you may have a dirt taste from the strong tasting minerals in the skin)
1 lemon peeled
1 1/2 inch piece of ginger
Place all in juicer and drink immediately.
Who knew beets could taste so delicious. The lemon and the ginger make this like the best tasting cocktail. I have found myself making this completely out of the blue, just cuz- it’s very tasty.
My first 3 Day Juice Feast Cleanse was the beginning of the end, little did I know. Twenty months ago my lifestyle took an about face turn for the better and am I grateful for the massive turn. Ending an era of an acidic diet and beginning an alkalizing lifestyle with a juice cleanse was one of the most significant changes that I have ever embarked on and has led me on a journey I never ever knew I would take. My health has improved 10 fold and I am a new person who can tend to my family and my business without excruciating pain. I managed to flush out the inflammation that was causing the pain vs taking multiple medications that were making my body more and more acidic. I couldn’t be happier about where I am at this moment, it feels soooo good and soooo right! And to think it all started with an innocent juice feast. So let me share what it’s all about.
Just a note first for those of you who are not quite up to a feast or cleanse just yet. Try out some of the juice recipes here and you’ll see how yummy and energizing they are and perhaps incorporate them into a daily drink to alkalize a bit more. The one I make every morning is right here– my all time fave!-and my kids too!
First you might ask why…. why would anyone want to do a juice feast for heavens sake? The answer is “to jump start your health journey” especially if you are not well, or you have low energy. Drinking juiced vegetables will give your body incredible, easily absorbed nutrition that it has most likely been craving for many years . This feast is different from a typical cleanse where you may feel hungry as some cleanses generally strip toxins from your body but do not necessarily feed your body at the same time. You won’t have the hunger pangs with a juice feast and instead you will have this wonderful overall feeling of comfort knowing that you are feeding your body the best thing on this planet that your body is desperate for. It’s very empowering to say the least. Flushing your body with fresh veggie juices assists in removing built up toxins especially those in your colon that are so damaging when they accumulate. A nice side effect is that you will probably weigh in up to 5lbs lighter-bonus hey!- after 3 days of juicing and cleansing your colon as most of us have that much in storage.
Initially I was a little afraid of the length of the cleanse yet I was completely surprised how easy it was and how quickly it went especially since I didn’t feel hungry and jittery as I might with low blood sugar. I have since done it 3 more times. Keep in mind that after 30-40 some odd years of an acidic lifestyle the toxins are not completely gone after one cleanse. It takes time for your body to release these toxins and at the same time we are constantly still exposed to toxins just by breathing the polluted air, or by following a car with poor exhaust, or just drinking coffee & wine, it goes on and on. Any medications we have ever taken in our lives have left residues locked in our cells and tucked away in pockets of our bodies. A regular cleanse will support a desire to maintain a healthier, much lower level of toxins and move them out on a constant basis in order to avoid disease. It’s a proactive way of staying healthy. Honestly, I really think that this kind of basic health information should be part of the schools’ curricula. Our body is our temple and without our health we have nothing! Nothing!
This cleanse can be done for up to 3 days or even longer, but I recommend consulting with your doctor or nutritionist if you plan to do it any longer than 3 days. If you have any serious health issues I recommend consulting with your doctor prior to commencing this cleanse. I truly believe that this feast is anyone’s ticket to health but every body is unique and if it is weakened a cleansing feast like this may be too much for it to handle. Certainly it can be done gradually vs full on but it’s your body and you know what’s best. In any case, adding juicing to your daily routine is the key to energizing your body for life. Please note that anyone on blood thinners must be careful of vitamin K that is abundant in green vegetables and can further thin the blood as that is it’s job– too keep our blood flowing. With the addition of the medication this can be dangerous so be sure to consult your doctor if you take these kinds of medications.
Are you ready for the feast? Lets get started.
For 1.5 yrs I have used these products that have been formulated to assist my body in releasing built up toxins as well as assisting me maintaining an alkaline balance. I recommend them only because I have found incredible results. I have shared with a few friends and they too have found excellent results and have incorporated them into their daily regime. Right here you will find everything except the Phor Salts which is here.
For ease of reference during your cleanse I have created a printable 3 page PDF of the cleanse for you right here Juice Feast Instructions. I added a few recipes below this cleanse that are NOT on the PDF that you may like to try.
Super Greens– Highly alkalizing with 300+ megahertz of energy per scoop. I drink 3-4 liters of this everyday, not just for cleansing. I super hydrate & alkalize daily and gain energy from this amazing product. I don’t leave home without it–ever!
Prime PH– pH drops to alkalize your water if you do not have an alkaline water filter- These are great as they improve your water immensely and can also be used for traveling so you don’t have to lug your filter:)
Phor Salts– This will alkalize you and provide 4 key minerals, sodium, Magnesium, Potassium & calcium. I take this 2x per day and will forever. It’s a keystone product. Excellent to take extra if you feel like you are getting a bit of a cold (excess toxins are escaping- or you had to much wine at dinner)
Colloidal Supplements – these by pass your digestive track and enter your body with ease by placing these liquid drops under your tongue for maximum absorption to your blood stream for immediate use by your body. You can select a cleansing pack here if you desire to maximize your cleanse. I take them twice everyday to supplement my diet but they are incredibly helpful when cleansing especially the myco detox drops.
Supplement Capsules – these are helpful as they are formulated as a soft capsule easily released for absorption and designed to be targeted to specific parts of your body with accuracy. Again there is a beginning combination here for you to try out. I take these everyday as well. Dr. Robert O. Young has spent 40 years studying and developing methods for supplementation that get results. If you feel the difference like I do you’ll keep taking them, but only you will know so stay tuned in to your body.
Groceries– buy as much organic as you can and a wide variety of veggies–these are some that I like but you will decide what green juices you want to make and what you like- just buy your favourites to experiment with.
10 cucumbers- lots of these. (I buy either field or long english- which ever is largest and best price) These are very alkalizing, a great neutral base for any juice and yield lots of juice for their very high water content
3 dozen carrots
2 parsnips
3 bunches celery
1 head of cabbage
1 head of fennel
3 bunches bok choy
1 bunch broccoli
1 bunch kale
12 beets
12 lemons or more
3 avocados
1 bulb garlic
lg pc of ginger
2 bunches parsley
2 bunches mint
2-3 tetra paks Organic Vegetable Broth (for healing soup after the feast)
Other veggies for soup- red pepper, zucchini, leeks, yellow squash etc.
This should get you started. If you need more veggies take an outing to the market and find some more interesting things you may have missed the first time.
Starting the Feast
7 am-ish or upon rising • Start your day with a glass of water, either Alkaline or filtered with a squeeze of lemon
Take your colloidal supplements
there after • 1 glass of mineral salts– phor salts- dissolved in 6 oz alkaline water or with 4 drops of Prime pH in 8oz. This will alkalize you and provide 4 key minerals, sodium, Magnesium, Potassium & calcium. I take this 2x per day and will forever. It’s a keystone product. Excellent to take extra if you feel like you are getting a bit of a cold (excess toxins are escaping- or you had to much wine at dinner)
JUICE-15 mins later • make 8 oz of carrot juice with one lemon peeled (approx 6-8 carrots- varies depending on size) This drink will stave off the first early morning hunger and increase your blood sugar level after your night of fasting during sleep. It’s a nice jump start for me if I am a tad growlie. Carrots are filled with minerals and of course assist in detoxifying your body.
Take your capsule supplements
30 mins later • slowly drink 1 liter of green drink – 1 scoop of super greens mixed in alkaline water or with 12 drops of Prime pH in each liter
JUICE-10 am-ish or 1.5 -2 hrs later • make 12 oz green veggie juice
-combinations like 1 cucumber, a piece of fennel, 1 lemon peeled, 1 stalk celery, few stems of bok choy.
-or try 1 cucumber, few stems each of mint & parsley, 2 leaves of kale, 1/2 in piece of ginger, 1 lemon peeled
30 mins later • slowly drink 1 liter of green drink – 1 scoop of super greens mixed in alkaline water or with 12 drops of Prime pH in each liter
Take your colloidal supplements
JUICE-12 noon-ish or 1.5 -2 hrs later • make 12 oz green veggie juice with an avocado added for creaminess if you wish
-try this- juice 1 cucumber, a few broccoli stems, 1 stalk celery, few stems of bok choy, a 3-4 inch piece of parsnip, a piece of cabbage, few stems parsley. Pour this green juice into the blender and add 1 avocado, 1 small clove garlic, pinch of sea salt and 1-2 teaspoons of Braggs soy sauce. This is my favourite and I save it for lunch or for dinner during this cleanse. I sometimes even pour it into a bowl as a soup- delicious!
30 mins later • slowly drink 1/2 liter of green drink – 1 scoop of super greens mixed in alkaline water or with 12 drops of Prime pH in each liter
JUICE-2 pm-ish or 1.5 -2 hrs later • make 12 oz green veggie juice
Take your colloidal supplements
30 mins later • slowly drink 1/2 liter of green drink – 1 scoop of super greens mixed in alkaline water or with 12 drops of Prime pH in each liter
JUICE-4 pm-ish or 1.5 -2 hrs later • make 12 oz green veggie juice
30 mins later • slowly drink 1/2 liter of green drink – 1 scoop of super greens mixed in alkaline water or with 12 drops of Prime pH in each liter
JUICE-6 pm-ish or 1.5 -2 hrs later • make 12 oz green veggie juice
Take your capsule supplements
30 mins later • slowly drink 1 liter of green drink – 1 scoop of super greens mixed in alkaline water or with 12 drops of Prime pH in each liter
JUICE-8pm-ish • juice 8 oz of beet juice with one lemon peeled and 1/2 in pc of ginger (approx 3-4 med beets peeled- varies depending on size) This is yum-yum-yummy! This hit of beet sugar will give your body what it needs to boost your system as it contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium along with vitamins A & C, niacin and biotin to nourish and cleanse your body thru the night.
Take your colloidal supplements
If desired you may enjoy a cup of herbal tea at any time during the feast–good suggestions are chamomile, mint, raspberry and pau d’arco teas.
Before bed • 1 glass of mineral salts– phor salts- dissolved in 6 oz alkaline water or with 4 drops of Prime pH in each 8oz.
Sleep well:)
Wake up and repeat:)
If you can manage 3 days of this cleanse this is what you may experience.
•First day you will not feel too different, you may just urinate often.
•Second Day you may still not feel any different. You will urinate often and empty your colon a couple times.
•Third Day you may feel a bit off, with cold or flu like symptoms (I felt fine but my sister felt this way) and you will urinate often as well as have a number of colon cleansing moments that I describe as a shower for your colon. This is the idea of the cleanse. You are washing your colon as you empty the toxins from your body. I did not feel crampy, I just felt lighter and cleaner by the end of the day.
After completing the cleanse for 3 days you may decide to do another day or choose to be complete. On this day you must break the cleansing feast with gentle foods for your tummy and your system. A healing soup is recommended. You may eat as much of this soup as you desire thru the day.
Breaking the Feast
7 am-ish or upon rising • Start your day with a glass of water, either Alkaline or filtered with a squeeze of lemon
Take your colloidal supplements
there after • 1 glass of mineral salts– phor salts- dissolved in 6 oz alkaline water or with 4 drops of Prime pH in each 8oz.
Make the healing soup and drink just the broth this morning. The recipe is as follows.
This vegetable soup is satisfying and can be used for any meal for the next few days. Lightly stir fry some cut up vegetables such as green beans, celery, zucchini, yellow squash, red peppers, leeks, onions, garlic, shredded cabbage, etc., in a little vegetable broth or water. Put in a pot of heated vegetable broth. Flavor with spices such as Herbs de Provence, Oregano, Basil, Parsley, etc. Add some Real Salt for flavor. Just gently heat thru so as not to cook the veggies too much, they should have a little crunch still. However each time you re-heat it will soften a wee bit more. Not to worry.
30 mins later • slowly drink 1 liter of green drink – 1 scoop of super greens mixed in alkaline water or with 12 drops of Prime pH in each liter
During the day enjoy the soup as often as you feel hungry. Warm it and serve. In between drink a total of 3-4 liters of the green drink.
In the days that follow be sure to eat as much alkaline food as possible. Try your best to stay “green” for the next 3 weeks. Eat raw and lightly steamed green vegetables. Have green salads with a lemon-based dressing. Eat lots of sprouts for energy. Have liberal amounts of essential omega oils. Continue drinking 4 liters of water each day with 1 scoop of SuperGreens Powder and 12 drops of Prime pH in each liter. What you do for the next 30 days will become a habit.
Shelley Young who is married to Dr. Robert O. Young (who’s alkaline theory I follow) created these alkalizing recipes below that you may also enjoy in the next few weeks or make them a part of your daily routine. This juicing feast is adapted from the one that Dr. Young recommends and he is the creator of all the products recommended in this post. For further reading pick up his book The pH Miracle as he is the worlds leading expert on alkaline living. I am grateful for his years of dedication to research and his passion for sharing it.
Lemon Lime Shake
1½ Hass avacado, roughly chopped
1 large cucumber, roughly chopped
1 ½ c young Thai coconut meat, roughly chopped
4 c young Thai coconut water
¼ oz Stevia powder
½ c lemon juice
¼ c lime juice
Small pinch of Himalayan salt
Combine all ingredients in a high-power blender such as a Vita Mix and blend well until completely smooth. Makes 3 servings.
Young Alive Green Shake
½ large cucumber
1 oz lime juice
6 oz grapefruit juice
1 Hass avocado
½ lb spinach
4 oz raw coconut milk
1 tsp Super Greens Powder
1 tsp soy sprout powder or hemp protein powder
10 drops prime pH Drops
4 sprigs of fresh mint
14 cubes purified water ice
Combine all ingredients in a high-power blender such as a Vita Mix and blend well until completely smooth. Makes 2 servings.
You will develop a pattern of taking care of yourself that will stick if you are persistent right now. If you really want optimum health this window of time is crucial. It may not be easy but it will carve the way for the future of your health. Pay attention to your body and really try to feel and notice the way your energy changes. Do you feel more vibrant, more energetic? Is your head a little clearer? Are you sleeping better? How do you feel mentally about this process and your now cleaner body? It’s easy to carry on being busy and not notice the changes in our body especially if one is not in tune with it prior to this. That was me alright. I was not on top of the signs my body was giving me to take notice of things that it was hinting at. Now I seem to notice the slightest change in my body. I love this feeling of having woken up to my body. It’s comforting to know that nothing will get past me, thus a cancer will not show up and surprise me as I am fully aware, with my eyes wide open. Are you excited about a new direction for your health? Please don’t hesitate to drop me a line with any questions or comments you have as I love to help and inspire:)
Disclaimer: The content on this site is not written with intentions to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments. Our content is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat health issues of any sort. We cannot be held liable for any ill effects caused by following these instructions or this material. Read and follow instructions at your own risk.

Julie, There is so much information in this post. I don’t know where to start. I don’t have a juicer. Can I make these recipes in a regular blender? I am not sure if I will like it to invest money in a juicer. Do you have any other suggestions for me to try juices? Maybe recommend a store brand?
Hi Anna
There is a lot to cover when it comes to this juicing and feasting.
I know a juicer is an investment but it is the most used appliance in our house beside the fridge for storing all the veggies!
You won’t regret it. These are just a few recipes but there are bibles of juice recipes, believe me there will be some that you love for sure.
These recipes are intentionally with out fruit for the cleanse and also we try not to combine fruits and veggies very often. Sometimes lemons & limes and a bit of apple now and again. They don’t digest the same- fruit needs to be alone especially the high sugar content ones & melons. You can juice fruit on it’s own — but because of the sugar content it is wise to limit it.
The whole idea of juicing is the freshness of the juice so buying it is not really the same- the enzymes are not intact- the gal in Long Island uses a very high end juicer and has the juice delivered for consumption within approx 24-48 hrs.
If you can find a local juice bar or franchise they can juice for you so you can try it. The basics they often have are plain carrot, or carrot, celery, apple. Booster juice is in our area for this. Jugo juice I think only juices carrots for veggies. A blender is not going to work as the idea is to remove the fiber so that the juice is concentrated and is easily and quickly absorbed by the body.
I know there are green smoothies that can be made and they are great after the cleanse in combination with daily juicing but not in place of.
The Juice Man juicer may be available on sale for 99.00 or on TV for that price sometimes in 3-4 payments. Check on line or try a used site and you may find one in good condition. Let me know how you make out. I can’t say enough about achieving an even more vibrant You, if you decide to start juicing daily.
Thanks for the post Aunty Julie… Im getting tired of the carrot based juice and these are some new good ideas that i will try!!
Oh Brit, I am so sooo glad you are juicing often and even tiring of a recipe!! That’s awesome! I’m sure you feel better for it too! Keep it up and spread the word that juicing is the way to optimum health!
Wow Julie! My goodness, thank you so much for all this incredible information. I am going to read through this post again SLOWLY! I cannot imagine my life without juicing. My immune system and my overall energy levels have been greatly improved by my daily dose of green juice. My day does not feel right without it! Now time for a juice feast!!!
I’m with you Les, I enjoy my daily juice so much that I feel off when I miss a day if I’m traveling perhaps. I’d love to find a really light weight compact juicer for traveling. My goal is to work in 2 juices everyday for the whole family. My 18 year old son took 1 year to attempt tasting our daily juice recipe. It’s been about 6 months that he’s been drinking it and now he comes up stairs eagerly looking for his glass in the fridge. This morning when I gave him his juice I said “it’s really good today” and he replied “I thought yesterdays juice was especially good”! I wanted to jump up and down and hollar with joy– I thought I’d never see the day!! I have succeeded with developing a great habit for him and hope that when he is on his own one day that these healthy rituals will carry on. His first house warming gift will be a juicer from Mom!
Good luck on your feast, let me know when you start so I can support you and maybe even join you in one!
I am loving your posts, thank you! I do juice now, however, I follow the traditional rule of no fruits and veggies mixed in juicing other than apples. Can you tell me, has this ‘rule’ changed?
Thank you!
HI Melisa Sorry so late in responding, been away. Generally fruits are best on their own as they don’t combine well with any other foods. I bend the rules a tad on this by adding a wee bit of apple to our morning juice like you do as it doesn’t bother our tummies and it means my kids will drink their fresh juice each morning. So No, the ‘rule’ has not changed regarding food combining for fruits. And if you have ever tested it you will feel it. Mixing a piece of fish (protein) with a generous portion of a fruit salsa topping will give you a gut ache for sure. The fruit ferments the protein and you won’t feel so great for the evening-not fun. Thank you for your question.
Gosh I feel inspired to be incredibly healthy this morning now! I guess that bacon sandwich better wait until another day!
Lovely to meet you at FBC last week. It all went so fast didn’t it.
Sarah, it was great to meet you too! Glad I could inspire you and hope you enjoy some of the healthy recipes. It was great to meet you too and all the FBC folks, what a nice group of inspiring bloggers! It did go fast but I continued onward travelling thru Europe just until this past Thursday so I am just recovering from jet setting! Need lots of veggies to get me thru and energize me that’s for sure!
I just discovered your blog through Decor8 and I must say am thoroughly enjoying reading over all of your great and informative posts! I have now tried several of your recipes and every one of them has been fantastic! I would really love to embark on a juice feast as I definitely have issues with consuming too much sugar. My question is though, is it really necessary to buy all of these supplements? I am juicing the greens and have bought some other kinds of dried greens to put in water but can one get by without spending so much? Is there a pared down version? If there was one of those things you could not go without, what would it be? Any info would be appreciated – thanks!
Hi Alison, Glad you came by. I’m so excited that you are considering a feast- good on you! Every body is different and in variable states of acidity. I would highly recommend a good dose of supplements for anyone who is chronically ill or has severe symptoms that need to be rectified or anyone seeking optimal energy and alkalinity. Otherwise at the very least I would suggest the best multi-vitamin your budget will allow- I do like Dr. Young’s Innerlight formulation or the woman’s formula he produces which is well balanced. I could not go without the pHor salts to alkalize your body and eliminate toxins nor the greens in your water everyday. Your filtered alkaline water consumption needs to be consistent too with up to 3-4 liters per day to flush your system of toxins (you can find pH drops at your local health store or via the Innerlight Super Greens link on our site). The way I look at it health is a choice and sometimes it is necessary to prioritize the expense of a healthy body over other luxuries in life as a preventative measure before something worse, disease wise or symptom wise, arrives. I learned my lesson the hard way so it is easy for me to say this cuz I am on the other side. I can see health issues about to explode in the lives of others like I am a phycic or something. If you feel pretty good but recognize improvements you can make then this feast is a great way to start, especially before you experience any symptoms. Go at your own pace and listen to your body and just do the best you can and really feel how you feel. It will become so addictive that you will gradually up the anti and build on your progress. Good luck to you, keep me posted on your progress:)
Hi Julie,
I’m just wondering what you would recommend to someone who is currently breastfeeding (and will be for the next year or so)? I am keen to kick start an alkaline lifestyle but at the same time do not want to cause any harm to my wonderful baby! I would love to hear your advice.
Holly, congrats on your new babe! So precious, aren’t they? If you are thinking of a juice feast I wouldn’t suggest you doing one without the guidance of a trained consultant. If you are fine to gently add juicing to your mornings and increase your veggie intake significantly, you can safely do this and only enhance the health of baby. Be sure to take your prenatal supplements, good omega oils and B12 if you don’t eat much meat. Pay attention to your energy level and how baby responds. You should feel energized unless you are quite acidic in which case you would be detoxing and may notice symptoms of a cold. If baby also has cold symptoms she may be detoxing too. I can recommend a consultant who is available by phone if you need. The alkaline lifestyle IS how we should be eating to maintain health. The only concerns when adapting is the detoxing which should be gradual for both you and baby along with sufficient supplementation to balance and assist in the detox until you are well adjusted, and this time frame would vary depending on your alkalinity and toxicity. I highly believe in alkaline living for all stages of life from pregnancy thru birth, teenage years onward to menopause and beyond, as it allows for healthy growth transition with minimal disturbance or none at all. A highly acidic body may be the reason some are bothered by difficult pregnancies or symptomatic menopause and even hormonal teenage years. I hope this answers your question and please let me know if you would like a referral.
This is SO HELPFUL, thank you!!
I was wondering above where you say to “slowly” drink the green drink…
Is it bad to just drink it all at once? (chug it down). It’s easier for me to do this, but are there some major health benefits I’m missing out on by not drinking it slowly? And if so, how slowly would you recommend? Spread it out over a 1/2 hour?
Thanks so much for all your tips and guidance!!
So glad you are inspired. I believe I said slowly cuz it is alot of water for some and can be overwhelming to have to drink it up quickly. You can drink it slow or fast and both are fine. I drink mine all day long. I tote a bottle of greens with me thru the day and refill often.
My husband and I love your site and we’re both doing what we can to eat more alkaline. I want to start doing a 3-5 day cleanse- juice feast, but I’m in the depths of training for a marathon. Do you think I could still do a cleanse successfully or should I plan on making some kind of adjustments like eating some raw veggies in between juices if I am feeling the need for more fuel for running? Thanks so much for your help and input!
Jeannie, I can’t really advise you as I haven’t experienced this but these are my thoughts. When you feast you feed in a concentrated form of juiced veggies. You process this quickly and flush toxins while alkalizing immensely. When you exercise your body creates metabolic acids that need to be neutralized and the green juice is perfect for this. However you need to burn oils for fuel to maintain your energy so if it were me I would blend avocados into my green juice like my current recipe or make green smoothies with raw greens, lemons, avocados and lots of hemp nuts and omega oil such as Udo’s oil or fish oil in the recipe. Dr. Young has been known to suggest up to 6-10 oz of omega oils daily for optimal health. This link is for Stu Mittleman’s story of how he runs marathons while fueling on real food, esp lots of omega oils that are the essential fuel to burn. His book is called Slow Burn. I have not read it but have read references to it. Let me know how you do:)
To my little sister:
I am so proud of you, this is an awesome blog and you are an inspiration to all. All I need now after reading this exciting blog is a Juicer, can’t wait to start, thankyou little sis, luv u!!!!
Well sis, run don’t walk to get your juicer. London Drugs is right near you and for $100 you may find a simple one that will do the trick! Thanx for stopping in:) Guess you read about poor Elliott’s teeth huh?
Do you go through a healing crisis when on the juice feast? Your feast sounds like a faster way to alkalinity. I have RA and have just started juicing. I am trying to determine if my pain is food related after reading Barbara Allen’s book. I have had purple cabbage and carrot juice for two days and added apple in today but it will take so long adding in a new veggie every 24 hrs. I believe acidity to be the root of my problem. I have been drinking distilled or natural spring water for a month thinking fluoride and chlorine are adding to the problem.
Hi Bennie. Rheumatoid Arthritis from an alkaline perspective is definitely an acidic condition. Your body has been making up for being acidic by drawing alkalinity from your body weakening it’s function and somehow your disposition gave you this ailment. An alkaline lifestyle will tackle the inflammation in your joints and you WILL feel the results, I am sure of it. Be as diligent as you can and stick to juicing and raw veggies if you can for as long as possible. My initial feast was 3 days with raw veggies for at least 4 weeks, then slowly introducing seeds,nuts and whole grains over the next 4 weeks. Supplementation will be very important for you and I highly suggest colloids-liquid supplements, that bypass your digestive track and meet the blood stream instantly. They are liquid and go under the tongue. Dr. Young has the most extensive and most researched collection that I used and they made an enormous difference in my journey. If you need guidance here let me know and I can lead you to a consultant who can outline your supplement needs. A live blood analysis would be incredibly valuable if you are able to find a local consultant to do this for you in your area, who would also be able to guide your supplement choices. Just know that this IS the way for you to relieve your symptoms and minimize or eliminate any medications and feel good again. My thought is that you can have most any raw veggies, especially the green ones and just fill up on them-see the alkaline list on the site- and flush with water, preferably alkaline water-you can get pH drops to alkalize your filtered water. I also suggest using the pHor salts-these are amazing for detoxing and alkalizing-I swear by them daily forever-distilled water is minus all minerals-you need to add these back with the phor salts!
Yes to your detoxing question- it’s impossible NOT to go thru symptoms of detox- this is normal. You may have cold like or flu like symptoms as the toxins escape your body. This is quicker and more uncomfortable if you go cold turkey as you have, versus slowly detoxing, but your desired results will be more dramatic and quicker to show. I haven’t read Barbara Allen’s book yet. You have the right intuition for your body so keep following it! The link for the colloids, pHor salts and pH drops is right here if you need. I do receive a small commission from these products but I only recommend them because they work and they really worked for me and I truly believe in Dr. Young’s extensive research to produce them. All the best to you and keep me posted please or holler with any further questions.
Thank you I have tried a variation of your green juice using foods I have: apple, cucumber, ginger root, and parsley. It was delicious. I will order supplements today. What a wonderful service you and your sister are providing to those of us desperately seeking help. I have been a true Celiac for 15 years and never once cheated but I now seem to be reacting to protein as well. Both of those leave acidic ash and that is why I think I need to alkalize. Again, Thank You!
Hi Julie,
Thank you for the fantastic information. I am starting this cleanse early this week and had a few quick questions for you:
1. If I were to pick up the Colloidal Supplements and Capsule Supplements from Wholefoods, which brand(s) would you recommend?
2. Also how many different types of Capsule Supplements do I need to be consuming?
The greens I will be using during this cleanse are Ormus Greens by Sun Warrior which I’m extremely happy with. Also I won’t be needing to invest in Prime pH as I have an alkaline water filter.
Thank you!
Hi Raman, sooo excited you are doing a cleanse!! Sorry I haven’t been able to respond til now– I’ve been completely swamped with school and exams. For the supplements, any colloidal versions will be easier to assimilate but I do get mine on line right here so I can’t recommend a brand. As for which supplements you may need specifically for you, I can’t really suggest much since I’m not quite a nutritional consultant yet and I don’t know your health story nor do I know your blood assessment to see what you are deficient or abundant in. I highly suggest a live blood analysis and a hair analysis for an accurate reading of your current state of nutrition and balance or imbalance in order to know what you require. It’s like a window on your bodies health. But generally speaking I would start with a basic multi-vitamin in colloidal form to get going until you see an expert and maybe add in some Vitamin D and B12 both of which are difficult to get in our diets that you may be lacking. Vitamin C never hurts either as you will dump any excess and if you are stressed at all it will help manage that somewhat. But please take these suggestions on your own accord as I am not really certified to make recommendations. Good luck to you and keep me posted on your progress.
I’ve decided to begin this entire process soon, but first I need a juicer 🙂 What brands/types do you recommend? Also, where do I find all of these colloidal supplements that you’re talking about?
Hannah, thanx for all your comments
1. I recommend the Hurom juicer
2. colloidal supplements are here under liquids. You may need advice from a nutritionist for which colloidals would be best suited for your body.
3. The costs of the recipes from my perspective rally or are less than the costs of meals I used to prepare with meat which is not cheap. I have made a conscious decision to make nutritious food a priority over other expenses as without our health we have nothing. Vegetables are my main ingredients and if you shop farmers markets your money goes a long long way.
4. A juicer does the opposite of a blender thus you really need both for different purposes.
5. You can use himalayan salt instead of celtic sea salt- the reason these are best if the high natural mineral salts within.
6. Filtered water is a must, you can even just use an inexpensive Britta in a pinch.
7. Shallots are a mild onion, so any other onion would be fine as well.
Sorry not to reply sooner, school has been busy:)
What a terrific post! I want to learn more about alkalinity and health and this site is a great place to start. I have my own website called where I cover juicing. Thanks for the great info!
Some great recipes and beautiful photography. Thanks for the post. Off to buy a new juicer : )
I am about to start juicing and found this extremely helpful! I do have a question, and I’m sorry that it doesn’t pertain to the post, where did you get the glasses? I have two of the glasses that the green juice is in and I broke one. If you could let me know that would be great!
Kirsten….the glasses are from Ikea:) although it was 2 yrs ago, they may still have them!
What is your protein source? I work out very regularly and rigorously therefore having a substantial amount of protein to rebuild my muscles is important to me.
Hi LInda, I use hemp hearts, pumpkin seed protein powder, legumes, avocados and eat a big variety of veggies all of which contribute small amounts of protein which really do all add up! Hemp is my biggest source tho. Many alkavorians do consume fish and organic meats and eggs in moderation with this lifestyle.
I started the cleanse this morning, and I was wondering what would happen if I missed a juice or 2. Will that mess things up? I’m trying to stick to the schedule as best I can, but my work is making it a little tricky. Advise??
Rebecca, I assume you are done by now as I am tardy with my reply but I suggest to just do the best you can. Drink lots of fluids and even greens powder if you have to miss and maybe even a smoothie. If I have to miss I try to just eat a hearty green salad in place. Let me know how you made out:)
Julie..Awesome recipes and wonderful tips!!!
I am about to get me a juicer but there seem to be a lot of chatter about clean-up with juicers. Is this not an issue for you? I have a Ninja blender and love it. If I blended my juices and strained it (cheese cloth) to get rid of the pulp, would I get the same results??
My love the idea of making fresh juices and consuming them right away first thing in the morning – but can’t afford the time to clean-up because I have a very tight window between my workout, getting everyone ready and heading out to drop kids of at school and taking myself to work.
So is there a downside to using a blender and strainer? Is it a cleanup nightmare to use a a juicer?
Hi Anna, I just make time to clean the juicer and prepare the veggies the night before in a ziploc so it’s pretty fast. It all takes about 10mins. I would find the straining more tedious myself. Juicing is what my routine is but there is a place for a blended veggie drink that leaves the fiber in but I find I need a really powerful blender to make it smooth and creamy so I have the Vitamix. I’m not familiar with the Ninja and if it would do the job. Main thing is you have to find what works for you that you will do on a regular basis so that it becomes a routine for you. I enjoy juicing my veggies, somehow it’s therapeutic for me, I love my veggie chopping and I luuuuv my juice so it’s so worth it for me cuz it’s become my morning craving instead of a cup of coffee. That goes for my kids too! Good luck!
I tried blending and straining and you are right – it took me a lot longer than 10 minutes. But I absolutely loved the green juice. I had to go back to the market to get more veggies because I ran out 🙂 I am going to get a juicer soon and hopefully my kids will get into it as well.
On a related note, your Chia breakfast porridge recipe is my new favorite! Thanks for that one too!!!
A question about lemons: if you wash/scrub them, what is the problem with not peeling them. I usually don’t peel them before putting them through my omega juicer. I’d be very interested in hearing more about that.
I have become a faithful juicer since dealing with breast cancer last year. When I began juicing (discovered it at the end of chemo), my hands would literally shake when I would make my juice and get ready to drink it. I **craved** it so much…like a juice junkie. I’d like to try the feast. Thanks for your post.
Andrea, it’s personal taste as they can tend to be bitter and oily if there’s too much, I don’t mind a wee bit but not so much. So glad you are juicing regularly, it’s what your body truly needs and wants isn’t it? Cheers!
I really like your site, it is very inspiring with great recipes and beautiful pictures.
I have a question about the juice feast – can it be done without all the supplements? Would it be safe to do it without them? And are they a must in the alkaline lifestyle? Are there some that are more important than others?
Hi Lisa, yes of course the juice feast can be done with out the supplements but my thought is that most of us are cleansing with a goal to rebalance and clean up our bodies. By supplementing and consuming all the good nutrients from the juices you are giving your body a leg up and truly super saturating it with the nutrients it is craving thus giving you the best possible outcome of balancing your body. Ideally, I would want to see a before and after live blood analysis which will show you what you need to balance. The basic supplements are ideal and you can decide on the others. Alkaline water, pHor salts, greens powder-super greens and a good multi-vitamin from Innerlight would be the very least I would use to truly see a turn around. These can and should be slowly introduced it a highly acidic diet has been the case. Try diluting with more water and less initial doses to start. Hope this helps.
Thanks, Julie, for this amazing article!
Together with your more recent post on detoxing it got me inspired to finally get a juicer myself and start juicing. Best decision ever!
I hope you don’t mind that I linked your articles to my recent post on savorychicks.
Anja, No problem thx for the link:)
Wow, this is a great list of recipes! I’m looking forward to incorporating some of these into my juicing. Especially the green ginger ale which sounds delicious!
So far I have been living off of the recipes at and have been really enjoying my decision to start juicing.
Thanks for the new recipes and the recommended breakdown on timing your juices.
Amy, thx kindly, all the best:)
I just love your plethora of information. I just saw a young lady appear on Dr. Oz and stated that she freezes her juice in mason jars after she makes thrm. I live a hectic life. This idea would be conveniet, but I was not sure if it chanes the juice. She said that it is a juice slushy as it melts.
Nakia, I think freezing would be fine, what ever it takes huh! It tastes better fresh of course but try it. However, stress is acidic to the body. A hectic lifestyle maybe needs some rethinking as this is how we live our lives but it’s not condusive to a healthy body. Try to find time to enjoy the process of nourish your body, it will assimilate the nutrients even better for you:) Sounds kinda woo woo but it’s so true!
You have so much important information to share. Love your website. I was wondering if the supplements you recommend in this post are food sourced or are they synthetic? I would love to try the cleanse. I would just feel like putting synthetic ingredients back into your body would not make much sense. Thanks
Rhiannon, I’m pretty sure they are food sourced or the majority of the ingredients are. Dr. Young is the formulator and his products are 2nd to none IMO. They worked superbly for me:) and still do.
Hello sisters 🙂
My boyfriend and I will start the juice feast this week and we want to know if the ingredient’s quantity you’ve posted above is just for one person and we should buy double quantities for both of us.
Thank you very much!
Daniela, it does take quite a volume of veggies so you will need more for two than this list. However a fridge can only hold so much and they may not stay fresh if you get it all at once to start to cover two people’s feast. I would go with this and begin and then restock after you see what you need. Then all the remaining can go into the healing soup.
all the best to you both.
Thank you very much for your quick answer!
Thankfull kisses from Portugal 🙂
Can I do the feast without the supplements?
Hi Shola, yes of course however results will be different and alkalinity will be slower to balance. The idea is to nourish, support and cleanse. The supplements help with the diet to nourish and also support cellular and body function. But as you may, any positive change in your diet will yield results so don’t let this stop you. Do what you can and gradually adopt the lifestyle adding supplements as you can to replenish your body’s stores. At the very least you can use baking soda in place of the pHor salts as Dr. Robert O. Young has suggested in his first book before he revised it. One teaspoonful in an 8oz glass of water, morning and night. The pHor salts are amazing for so many things, particularly increasing your alkalinity.
I had the Carrot & Lemon Juice this morning, and was surprise how good it taste. I plan to try them all.
Hi Julie. I have suffered similar back problems to yours. Mine are two slipped discs in my lumber spine. I am inspired by your story to give the juice feast and 30 day challenge a go.
Can you tell me how long was it before your back started feeling the benefits of the juicing and the alkaline way of eating?
sorry so Taardy James:( It took about 8-12 weeks but then it was permanent! Sooo worth it even tho it’s slower than drugs! thinking of you, I know it’s hard. Let me know how you are.
Hi there,
I started your 3 day juice feast yesterday and I am absolutely loving it! I borrowed a friends’ juicer to do it but you have definitely inspired me to buy one of my own. I bought most of the products you suggested for the cleanse, however I’d like to know exactly which products you take everyday to supplement your diet even when you are not cleansing? I see that you take phor salts and green powder always, but what colloidal and capsule ones do you take? Thanks!!
Courtney Rollo
Yay good for you! I take the mega vitamin capsules, mycodetox capsules, all the time for extra nutrients and daily toxins we can’t avoid. I sometimes double up with the liquid ones including B-complex. It is really individual depending on your needs and this is why I recommend a live blood analysis to look at your own blood and see what you are deficient in so you know exactly where you are at as you begin this journey, you can see your progress as you clean up your blood and you know exactly what your body needs. But always the phor salts and the greens powder for sure:)
I am a bit overwhelmed. I have been struggling with Asthma which has gotten worse since menopause. The doctors insist on medication which has caused severe acid-reflux. We all know from commercials that warns us medication makes asthma symptoms worse as a side effect. In my case that has proven true. I have refused to take anymore medication as I think that is what is causing my asthma to flare up so badly. I am on a cycle of antibiotic and steroids and my health has never been this bad. In frustration I went to a Narapath who has suggested that I eat a alkaline diet to help get my system back in balance. My PH is neutral which isn’t bad but not optimal. I am impressed with your site and looks like both my husband and I could both eat this diet. Any suggestion on what recipes would be important to start with or should I just jump in and start….The green drinks look good and thought that would be a good starting place along with Spanish bean salad…….Glad I found this site…I think it will make this journey easier…
Rosetta, so glad you found your way here. if you are diligent you will see chsnges in your health. I highly suggest eating as much alkaline as possible up to 80%-90% and perhaps do a juice feast with the supplements for a thorough journey until you feel well then move to 70-80%. Go gradually if you must but make it a lifestyle not a diet and make it fun and yummy. All the best to you.
Hello Ladies, I would like to try the juice feast, but I am a little overwhelmed by the supplements. I have been to the site and noticed that there are several sizes to choose from for some of the items. Would you mind giving some guidance for ordering for one person to complete the feast regimen? I would like to try the products and see how they work before ordering additional. Thanks so much!!
Hi Krissy, the super greens I started with was the largest one as I was pretty serious but they do last a long time so start small if you wish. This goes for all the products. They will last at least a month or more and you can re-order if you like them. All the best. let me know how you do:)
Hi ,
I realy want to do this cleanse , do you know or have any idea if
it’s ok to do it while breastfeeding.Also maybe a silly question , but
what is the green drink?
Thank you
If you deep cleanse while nursing you can dump the toxins right into babies milk. I suggest gently adding more greens and adding a green juice diluted with water and slowly increase you alkaline intake each day so that you and baby adjust slowly.
The green drink is a super greens powder that is added to your water thru the day. You can find it here. It is a great way to alkalize as well and you can use this gingerly in your water until you get used to it. Greens will be great for your milk and is a good way to get baby accustomed to the flavour of green foods via your milk!
Hi Julie,
Thank you so much . I have started to incorporate the juicing
In my diet , baby seems to not mind at all . I absolutely
love kale with mint and parsley, carrots and lemon in the morning
are awesome for breakfast .Even got my husband into
juicing , beets are a favorite. I know for now at least I can’t go
on liquid diet to cleanse but incorporating the juicing is one
step forward for me . I will probably try to take the green drink
next week .
Hi, this is my first day of the detox is almost 8pm.. i done great all day… feel weak.. but of course.. is a big change… !
Question: I don’t have the “green drink”.. but i had been using all day spirulina , hemp and a mix of herbs and plant protein?..
Is that ok thanks!
I am trying to cure my Telogen Effluvium with the help of god and your drink! my hair is falling as my follicles got shock from a hair chemical treatment back few months ago 🙂 I loss 50% -of my hair but I am positive this will help!.
Enrique, If you can, avoid spirulina and use wheat grass or barley grass instead as spirulina is an algae/fungus that Dr. Young doesn’t suggest- same with Chlorella. Hemp protein or sprouted brown rice protein is good too. Use nuts and seeds and legumes for protein as well, later, when you are done the cleanse. If you feel weak have more green drink, you may have as much as you like. You can easily make a green drink by just tossing greens like spinach and cucumber and herbs like mint and add lemon juice in a blender or even a juicer if you have and have this or any combination of greens veggies juiced or blended. Don’t go hungry. You can do this! Dr. Young grew his hair back as he was balding. His site has this article
All my best:)
HI there!
I have a question. So I have heard that using a Vita-mix blender in some ways is better than a juicer, in that you receive the full benefits of the fiber, etc. that you would be discarding by using the juicer. You would inevitably be using less produce, I would assume? Do you think this is accurate? I only have a Vita-mix blender, and I was wondering if there were conversions for these juice recipes to use with the Vita-mix?
Thanks!! 🙂 🙂
Misty, juicing yields highly concentrated nutrients because it is minus the fiber intentionally, for immediate assimilation. It’s power packed and is amazing for healing. Sure you can blend and this can be beneficial too and I do recommend this as well but when cleansing you get faster results and quicker nutrient deposit without the fiber. I do both, I juice daily (it doesn’t fill me up but it nourishes immensely) then for more substance I blend a drink afterward, every other day approx, with other brekky’s in between like chia porridge.
If you don’t need to heal from an ailment by all means blend. Otherwise both are amazing and can work together quite nicely and you can then do seasonal juice cleanses with just juice to flush the colon without adding all that fiber in there- it cleans like a good shower would!! I use a fiber supplement while cleansing but it works differently that the veg fiber to loosen things.
Hope this helps:)
I have just been diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. I have always eaten well, but now I’m determined to feed my body for healing. I’m going to do your detox program. what brand do you suggest I buy for The Phour salts and colloidal supplements. I just want to be sure the ingredients are the best.
you can use either innerlight (there are more colloidals here) or phmiracle living
I suggest minimizing or skipping the carrot and beet juices in my cleanse as you have cells that will feed off the sugars. try consuming just green juices and if you need green smoothies but without fruit. you can use avocado. see my alkaline smoothie post. you can beat this!! read or listen to The pH miracle and watch Truly Heal documentary for inspiration and motivation. and look at your emotional and stress health. this plays 50% or more of the role in your success rate!!!!
all the best to you:) Keep me posted!
I don’t have a juicer. I do have a Nutribullet. I would like to try the juices. Can I use my Nutribullet? I have Hypothyroidism, I’m alomost 50
sure you can blend them up with a little filtered water
it may not chop up something like a carrot very well but if you do mostly greens some mint some lemon or lime that would be great
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