Thank You! Thank you for reading this blog over the years and supporting me with my new passion for inspiring health. Without YOU and this blog I would not be the author of an alkaline book. Honestly, it just wouldn’t have happened. But because it has I can now check this off my bucket list! It’s been a dream of mine ever since I succeeded in healing my bulging disc with an alkaline lifestyle to share with the world just exactly how I did it!
To celebrate, my publisher Penguin Random House of Canada and I have 3 books to give away, yippee! Keep reading for the details:)
When you get a chance to flip thru and read my book you will quickly see that I created it in away that would make you really want to embrace an alkaline lifestyle because it’s so darned pretty and with all the wonderful recipes it is also going to be a tasty journey! But most of all I wanted it to be as simple as possible. So I created a 4 step program to help you choose how and where in your journey to begin alkalizing your lifestyle.
In the Inspire Stage you can gently lean into the lifestyle by adding most any recipe from the book to your daily routine. This will slowly crowd out some of the less desirable acidic foods. In this stage you gentle begin to balance your plate and slowly release acidity from the body.
In the Desire Stage you can decide to dive right into a juice feast to jump start your alkaline journey which is what I did because I was in serious pain with my bulging disc. In this stage you are being more aggressive in releasing the acids by flushing with volumes of alkaline fluids.
In the Aspire Stage you will continue from the juice feast or enter here if you decide you want to dig deep and begin with a 90-95% ratio of alkalizine solid foods because you may not be ready for a juice feast. You could always do the juice feast later. In this stage you are further alkalizing to further excavate acids from deeper within your tissues.
And lastly in the Acquire Stage you will settle in with a 75% alkaline foods to 25% acidic foods as a daily lifestyle and enjoy the recipes to create a balanced plate for each of your meals. In this stage you are living a sustainable alkaline lifestyle and are pretty much free from your symptoms of ill health.
These are guides that provide lots of flexibility for you as you navigate a lifestyle shift for a more alkaline body and a healthy vibrant YOU!
You will also find a wonderful alkaline food chart in the book that will help you with your food choices. But really…the most important thing to remember is to add greens to each meal of the day. It’s as simple as remembering this which equates to perhaps a green juice or green smoothie or even greens powders added to your breakfast. And for lunch, add a nice big salad. For dinner just add another salad as well as some warmed vegetables and you will be alkalizing your lifestyle while crowding out some of the acidic foods that used to be on your plate!
This below is a bonus chart from the book that will show you just what a typical day is like for a juice feast. It’s the best thing that I ever did for my health and I still engage in juice feasts a few times a year because I love them and I love how I feel afterwards. Feel free to pin this to Pinterest with the button at the bottom of the post so you have it for handy reference or share it with a friend or you can print it out and post it on your fridge for when you are ready to dive in!
If you choose to buy the book I would love to hear your thoughts and how you plan to use it to reclaim your optimal well being. I’d also be thrilled to hear how you like the recipes and if you have favourites or if you make modifications for you and your family. I created this book for YOU and I really hope you are as excited to use it as I imagined you’d be!
Now, if you keep an eye out on my Instagram for updates on my book launch tour you’ll also see tips and recipes for delicious alkaline food. I’ll also be posting to Facebook if that’s where you are sometimes too!
Okay so NOW for the chance to win a copy of the book, Yay!
So there’s three ways to win:
- Be the first to leave me a comment on the blog and we will have a copy sent to you. I will reply to your comment to get your mailing address.
- I will be doing a random draw for a winner in 7 days for those of you that are subscribed to the blog. If you aren’t subscribed yet this is the time as all new and existing subscribers will be entered. Look for the subscribe button on the top right of this page. By subscribing you will be the first to receive new blog posts about once a month with delicious recipes to keep you alkaline.
- Visit the alkaline sister Facebook page here and LIKE the page and you will be entered to win a copy of my book of which I will draw the winner in 7 days.
Good luck and again…thank you so very much for being a part of this journey. It means the world to me that you are here and are choosing to make a difference in your own health. You inspire me to do more, be more and inspire more alkaline goodness!
Until next week…wish me luck with all these media engagements!
A green smoothie cheer to you 🙂
oh and ps. if you live in Victoria/Sidney area there are still seats available at my next book launch presentation this Friday, March 4th courtesy of Tanner’s Books. Details under Book tab in the menu or at

I am a breast cancer survivor since 2014, I am looking forward to making some of your alkaline recipes.
Florence Bianco
Many congrats Julie! You must be so happy! Well done 😀
Hi Julie,
Your book looks amazing. Congratulations. I’ve been waiting for it to come out since I found your website whilst living in Malaysia and struggling with bad eczema. Two and a half years later and your book is out, I’m back in the UK and my eczema is just as bad as before. I can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy of this book, as it looks gorgeous, and try and sort out my diet once and for all.
Best wishes,
A hearty congratulations — your book looks beautiful!!
Congratulations on your book! It’s is simply beautiful! I look forward to reading it!
Can’t wait to get this book! I love your blog!
I have been following for years and am just so excited for you and can’t wait to read your book. You are a true inspiration ! Congratulations!
I love this book already , cant Wait to get a copy . Congratulations !
So excited for the new book!! Thanks so much for creating such a wonderful resource for all of us!
Congratulations! The book sounds wonderful.
Congratulations on your book!! How exciting!! I am so excited to read it and learn even more about adding to my alkaline lifestyle!!
Yay! finally I can’t wait for the book to be on my hands, and read it and try the yummy recipes! I been waiting since you announce of new book. I love all the recipes my favorite is the alkaline green smoothie:) love you guys!!
Many Blessings,
Nidya Enfield
Wishing you so much luck with your beautiful book. What a labor of love.
Love your recipes. 🙂
I know the feeling and it is wonderful.
You are a very wise woman and thanks for sharing!
This book is so inspirational and enticing because the visual is so appealing, it makes you want to have the serenity and relaxation communicated in the photos. I once bought a cookbook that had delicious recipes, but do you think I ever made one – no and why you ask, because there were no photos! I realized that later as I donated it, our eyes feast on beauty and that is what your recipes with photos have done for me – I want this lifestyle, I want this sense of peace in the chaos of life and noise and overstimulation. Thank you for sharing your gifting to all of us wanting to embark on a healthy lifestyle.
Good morning! What a beautiful book!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on it and sink into the alkaline lifestyle. You are very inspiring and I pray you will receive HUGE blessings from all of this!!!
And….YES! By the way, I would love to win a copy! 🙂
Congratulations, your book looks beautiful !
Congratulations!!!! I so excited to read your book!!!
Congrats, Julie! Can you tell us where to get the book in the U.S.A.?
Amazon, Indigo as well as Barnes & Noble have it. Thank you:)
Would love your book!
I need more ideas for my alkaline adventure!
Love all your recipes and good advice! Would love your help and guidance with food choices and meal plans. Beautiful book cover.
I would LOVE a copy of your book. I had brain surgery 2 months ago and was diagnosed with lymphoma at the same time(they found it while figuring out what to do with the brain thing). I have chosen to go the route of nutritional healing and prevention and an alkaline diet is what I am implementing first.
Wow! I am excited for you with the publishing of your book! The Alkaline way is new to me so I am learning and searching and stumbled onto your site a few weeks ago. I am excited to be entered into your book drawing and also look forward to future posts. I am still reading through your blog. I wish you much success with your book!!
Hi Julie,
I am so excited for your new book. I love your blog for the content and how beautiful it is. I am so happy for you and all you have accomplished.
wow it looks amazing, so colorful and inspiring. Wishing you all the best.
I am so excited to read you book. I am officially a year into my journey of eating more healthy and getting acidic foods out of my diet. Its been slow but I definitely have seen the benefits.
Can’t wait to read this book!
Your book sounds great! I’m very interested in the alkaline way of life and have been getting your blog for at least a couple of years now. I have a question about the cleanse sheet above— is the juice intended to be the breakfast, or something more?
We juice daily and then add a smoothie or another breakky option as well:)
I ordered your book back in October, and am really excited to get my hands on it. According to Amazon, it’s shipping today.
I’ll definitely be referring my friends to you! Thanks for all that you do 🙂
I’m excited to use your book for getting inspired to become healthier and more alkalized and energetic! I’ve been reading your blog and getting lots of ideas and I love love love the beauty in the way you present things visually! Thank you for being an inspiration and sharing you and your sisters’ health journeys – that takes a lot of courage and is such a beautiful thing to share with the world to inspire others on their health journeys. Congratulations on your new book, it looks lovely! 🙂
Hi Alkaline Sisters!
I hope I win a copy.. I m in the need of starting clean soon.\– and yours is definitley something I would want to follow!
Pick me!
Thank you
Congratulations, Julie. What an accomplishment!
I have been waiting for this day patiently. Thank you for all the inspiration and teaching us about alkaline food and way of life. I love all your photos .
I’m so excited for you, congratulations on the release of your book! I can’t wait to see it.
this is such a BEAUTIFUL cookbook!! And to add to the bargain filled with healthy delicious ALKALINE Food, I can’t think of a better one 🙂
Wow, Julie, this looks gorgeous and inviting and congratulations are in order!!! Loud Applause for you and for alkaline foods – you both stand for optimum health and well-being. And l love the cover photo.
Lots of success and many celebrations to you on your book tour!
Green health,
Congratulations, what an accomplishment! I’ve been reading your blog and visiting your Instagram account for awhile. I’ve tried a few of your recipes to rave reviews and would love to receive your book for my niece. I have already purchased your book (hope it arrives soon) and can’t wait to delve into it. Congratulations again, Debbie
I think your site is very inspirational and beautiful,so is the cover of the book. Ever since I came across the site before 2010, I have been reading the information and enjoying the recipes. The Valentine chocolates drew me to it and I was hooked.So nice to have seen you grow yet the challenges of having a family. Be blessed and hope you sell many books. I am from South Africa and this book will help many.
Congratulations! I have been looking with interest at your blog over the last 18 months or so, and am always inspired. Your hard work has paid off! I wish you all the very best with your book.
Hi Julie!
I just have to say that whether or not I get a copy of the book, I REALLY have enjoyed your blog! It has been very inspiring and I appreciate all you’ve done to get this information out there!
Thanks and have a wonderful day!
Yay for you and yay for us! I got my book yesterday in the mail as I had pre- ordered it. So pretty and yummy. I hope Anthropologie will pick up your book and sell it in their shops….a perfect fit!
You have been working on this for a long time and I like the way you put everything together. Good luck on your book tour!
Congratulations on your new book! Can’t wait to get my copy, I’ve been looking forward to it!
I would love to get a copy of your New Book ! I’ll have to get into the city or order online ! Looks magnificent !!! Congrats !
long time coming
have followed sisters and sister for many years
and always come to your site to refresh in the spring for cleansing
keep on growing and going forward
thanks for all the support
Many many congratulations x
Your book looks amazing and so inspiring. What a journey it has been for you! Yet so worthwhile. Your book is so unique and different to any other. A must have for everyone!
Wishing you all the best and lots of success!
Best wishes
Britt has shared bits and pieces of her learnings and inspiration from you over the years, I am looking forward to reading it to learn more!
Hi Julie,
Congrats with your new book! When it is as informative and delicious as your website, I suppose it will be a winner! From what I’ve learned from your site, it will be a book not only to cook from but also to learn how to stay healthy.
warm greetings
(hi Juli, it’s me again: Red faced with annoying, I saw the autocorrect changed my email address. pls correct to Very sorry for the trouble. Warms Magda)
I have been anxiously awaiting the release of your lovely book!
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