Book Review
The magic of Tess Masters, The Blender Girl is seen here in this tasty alkaline version of everyone’s favourite, the taco! I just had to give it a whirl, and of course put a wee spin on it since it is rare that I ever use a recipe. (I also have a serious fetish for reading healthy cookbooks.) The Blender Girl – 100 Gluten Free, Vegan Recipes is Tess’s first cookbook. It is chalk full of delicious, healthy recipes including many alkaline ones which makes me soooo happy that I just HAD to share it with you! She’s a kindred spirit as she´s blending up alkaline juices, smoothies, and soups year round, building the foundation of her healthy lifestyle and her inspiring journey, and sharing recipes through her blog, and now her cookbook. But it’s not only blended recipes you´ll find as you’ll see here with Alkaline Tacos. If you have a food processor, you’re good to go with this one.
It’s important to know, especially if you aren’t a seasoned cook, that most recipes are just guidelines for you to build upon. Playing with ingredients, either with what’s in season or with what you have on hand, and adjusting amounts is par for the course with most of my recipes and Tess’s as well. We encourage you to get creative as you’ll probably come up with something that tastes even better to you!
I typically make a taco meat filling with soaked and cooked lentils, and Mexican spices, but this combination with simply soaked raw nuts is a winner and is even more alkaline! I decided to whip up a guacamole in place of avocado wedges, and I quickly threw together a tasty cilantro cream in place of her vegan sour cream just for fun. And YUM was it ever good!
I love recipes like this because there is a good ratio of veggies to the nut mixture when you add generous scoops of guacamole, fresh tomatoes, and romaine leaves as your shell. This recipe is perfectly balanced to promote alkalinity in your body to keep you healthy. I also love how easy this is for a quick snack or lunch when you have the nutty taco mix done up in advance. Then you simply serve it with chopped avocado and tomato. Sometimes I toss the tomato and avocado with extra virgin olive oil, cilantro, and sea salt, and I pile it on with the taco mixture either onto each lettuce leaf or on a chopped bed of lettuce. So easy and deelish! Read full article here….
Do you wonder if you’ll make it to 100 and if so what will your quality of life be like? I often do and I now know that it is absolutely possible if you lead a healthy diet and lifestyle and perhaps choose your risks accordingly! (I personally wouldn’t sky jump for this reason).
This book “Healthy at 100″ is my affirmation that it is possible and I am devouring it right now- see the sticky notes! In a nut shell John Robbins (Also author of “Diet for a New America”) shares research of four very different cultures where some of the world’s healthiest, oldest people live to be 100-120yrs old. Robbins reveals their secrets for living an extended and fulfilling life. Read full article here
As much as I’ve done to date to become more eco friendly the efforts being made all around us are much more extensive than my little contribution. I find it tricky to be on top of all the eco friendly options available to us. Thus I picked up this book called Ecoholic Home that provides tonnes of ideas for carrying on with my eco friendly alkalizing journey. I loved it so much I bought the previous edition. Ecoholic: Your Guide to the Most Environmentally Friendly Information, Products and Services in Canada
. I highly recommend both books if you would like to get started or would like to continue your journey and reduce your foot print while minimizing your exposure to deadly toxins you may not even be aware of.
The Organic Farm by Shawn R. Frost
is a friendly thorough tour of an organic farm including some alarming facts as footnotes such as “The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates pesticides contaminate the ground water in 38 states, polluting the primary source of drinking water for more than half the country’s population”. Shocking isn’t it? The second book That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals is beautifully illustrated and written by Ruby Roth. She takes a candid, compassionate look at the emotional lives of animals and their plight on factory farms while using colourful friendly animals to introduce vegetarianism and veganism to children. Minimizing or eliminating animal proteins in your diet will greatly impact our planet in a positive manner. Check out this fascinating YouTube with Michael Pollan the author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma
who will make you want to read his book.
Below is another lovely book that is very inspiring by Sheherazade Goldsmith, A Slice of Organic LifeWhat I love about this book is the real back to basics, back to the farm kind of ideas that all make sense. Things that in our modern busy hectic city lives we have forgotten. Things that are important for living harmoniously with nature and treating our planet with care and in turn providing our families with healthier options. Simple ideas like planting an apple tree in a pot (you can choose one with small root stock) or figs-yum, bake bread- good old fashioned healthy additive free bread, grow and dry your own herbs, start a compost-even on your apt balcony, collect rain water, garden w/o pesticides. All these great ideas used to be everyday activities. It’s what the generations before us did everyday.
{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
I am really intersted in all of these books. I wouldn’t have found them otherwise, so thanks for sharing!!
One of our clients during our current liquid feast told us about your incredible website…awesome.
I studied with Dr.Young and am a microscopist and we do a monthly alkaline liquid feast for our clients. I am also a nutritionist and it is very exciting work as after having breast cancer this is my road to health.
I would love to collaborate and share with the alkaline sisters..
All my best in health and life
I’m gad I stumbled across you page while researching alkaline foods.. Great stuff and very inspirational. Over the years I have had ups and downs with health etc.. Getting back on track and am now studying to become a Naturopath.. Something I’ve put on the back bench while raising our four children (home educated).. Thank you for the excellent information, I was looking into the blood analysis with Dr, Young as he is coming to Australia, you have done this I gather?
These monthly liquid feasts sound fantastic. We live in Tasmania, we are on a small wholesale flower farm grow our own veges and have a variety of fruit and nut trees.
My goals is to set it up as a “Health Stop” we have a few small lakes with geese and wild ducks and a occasional visiting platypus, We are going to put a sauna with a wood heater which overlooks the lake.. This juice feast sounds like something we could do here..
Once again, Thanks so much…
Tracy, yay, you are following your passion, that in itself is alkalizing! I haven’t taken the live blood analysis course but I shadowed under a therapist and I learned a tonne! Congrats on your new journey.
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