From the category archives:


Udon Soup w/ Spelt Noodles & Bok Choy-Benefits of Ginger

A friend introduced me to a version of home made udon soup that involved using a tasty soup base that you could only find in Japanese markets.  I became a little obsessed with this delicious concoction of noodles, ginger and soy topped with green onions.  My kids loved it too.  Little did I know that […]

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Power Smoothie & Why you should drink coconut water

Now that I have the taste of this recipe down pact my family is more than happy to enjoy it for breakfast and me….well I want to have a party and celebrate the fact that they are all now willingly drinking my smoothie recipe and enjoying it!  Yeh!  I’ve made many, many concoctions that they […]

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Spanish Bean Salad & the benefits of cayenne pepper

This recipe gets me soooo jazzed cuz it’s one of those ones that you can enjoy for a couple days and never tire of.  It makes a nice generous portion for a group or for a few meals.  What I also get excited about is the fact that my 4 year old daughter, Amelia, has […]

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Broccoli Quinoa Salad…. to go!

I always feel so good when I pack a lunch cuz I know it’s the healthiest thing I can eat since I’ve made it with the best ingredients possible.  I am not left guessing what’s in my lunch like I am when I end up having to eat out.  To make it easier to accomplish […]

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How yummy is your salad?

Are you sure to eat a healthy lunch each day?  Sometimes the lack of time and ideas result in not such great choices.  I find that a little planning and some great shopping at a good grocery store make it a whole lot easier.  Today my lunch salad looked so fresh and tasty that I […]

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Tasty Green Juice

Yuummmm! Is your morning ritual healthy?  Does it include alkalizing foods that will nourish  your cells providing terrific energy to start your day?  If you’re not quite sure, let me show you what is incredibly delicious that will do exactly that!  First off though, this is a recipe that requires that you make a commitment […]

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My Favourite healthy breakfast

It’s funny how for years I thought I needed coffee and a muffin for breakfast- it was my ilixer to have a latte.  Can you relate?  This was my biggest fear of eating alkaline — missing my oh, so, yummy dairy lattes!  Well….Guess what?  I survived!  I more than survived!  I got beyond the whole […]

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Grilled Vegetable Pesto Pasta

If you need to feed a large group this is a winning recipe that pleases a crowd and is easy to prepare ahead and then serve at room temperature.  You might also just prep the pesto and the veggies and grill with your friends around the BBQ and then toss with cooked pasta and pesto.  […]

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Disclaimer: The content on this site is not written with intentions to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments. Our content is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat health issues of any sort. Our information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Copyright Julie Cove and Yvonne Becker, 2009-2010. Please do not use or copy any information, recipes or photos without permission or without noting its origins on your blog or website.