From the category archives:

Alkaline Hints and Tips

Spelt and Vanilla Vegan Pancakes & on Why We Wait to Improve Our Lifestyle when Cancer Lurks

When the phone rings at 6:59 am don’t you wonder what’s up?  Well, as I rose to answer it and peeked out the window the fluffy white blanket explained it all!  SNOW DAY!  So with all this extra time on our hands in the middle of the week we decided pancakes were in order for […]

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Salad of Dragon Fruit, Pomegranate & Macadamia w/ Creamy Mint & Lime Dressing and Dragon Fruit Creme Dessert

Lately the dragon fruit has been calling my name and I can’t get enough of it.  The juicy, mildly sweet flavour and that gorgeous aesthetic of fuschia and white with black–I just love how this fruit looks, let alone tastes!  While we’re at it we gain the benefits of a big dose of vitamin C, […]

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Sprouted Grain Wrap w/ Roasted Roots, Greens & Chipotle Dip

Is it just me or has January flown by?  Often it creeps slowly by as we agonize in cold blustery weather but some how it has snuck by and February is upon us, yay!  That much closer to spring!  Spring means a whole new crop of veggies in season that we can get excited about!  […]

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Pomelo, Avocado & Greens w/ Brazil Nut Cheeze & Creamy Lemon Pepper Dressing

With the new year always comes these gorgeous shiny seasonal pomelos that my kids love snacking on.  We are often peeling an entire pomelo and nibbling all the juicy goodness in one sitting so there is never any left for me to be creative with.  Today I managed to snafoo some to concoct this yummy […]

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Joy in a Cup- delicious raw chocolate pudding!

Oh when it snows, how pretty it is.  All I wish for is to stay snuggled in my cozy jammies and curl up by the fire.  And when it snows at Christmas time, even better, don’t you say?  In my home town we seldom have this wish come true.  The snow is usually only here […]

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Mediterranean Layered Dip for Entertaining-Happy Holidays!

With Christmas only mere hours away and holiday gatherings to host or attend through New Years, it’s nice to have a delicious, hearty, yet healthy recipe up your sleeve.  Many of the layered dips I’ve had over the years are arranged beautifully but often have undesirable dairy or mayonnaise fillings.  This tasty version replaces the […]

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Raw Chocolate Truffles-to die for! Still time to make treats for gifts!

“Life is like a box of chocolates……you never know what you’re gonna get!”  Unless….. you make them yourself!  And it’s pretty darn simple to make them.  Best part is that you know the ingredients are pure and simple without unwanted additives and excessive bad sugars.  I’ve shared these with family and friends and the verdict […]

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Vegan Crunchy Thai Green Salad–Eating Healthy thru Christmas-or Not?

With Christmas nearing and all of the wonderfully tempting goodies that go along with the season, I thought we could talk about how to eat leading up to the big day and how to zig and zag with out ending up sick 2 weeks afterward in January like a large percentage of the population.  So…. […]

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Raw Blueberry & Ginger Pudding for Breakfast or Dessert! and Eating Super Clean-What’s in My fridge & pantry?

Do you ever have days where you want something that tastes indulgent but you want to be mindful of what that is cuz you know you are in the mood for a bit of a binge but you don’t want it to happen? I have become so conscious of what I eat, avoiding unhealthy foods, […]

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Hot Chocolate w/ Coconut & Almond Milks-When it snows like crazy!

We climbed into bed on Friday eve with a little snow gently floating down and woke up to a winter wonderland of white-it had snowed like crazy!  We couldn’t believe our eyes!  It was gorgeous!  I just love how snow can transform any outdoor setting, tidy or not, and make it a beautiful landscape.  An […]

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Disclaimer: The content on this site is not written with intentions to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments. Our content is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat health issues of any sort. Our information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Copyright Julie Cove and Yvonne Becker, 2009-2010. Please do not use or copy any information, recipes or photos without permission or without noting its origins on your blog or website.