From the category archives:

Alkaline Hints and Tips

Creamy Cannellini Bean Sauce over Spelt Fettucini, Summer Green Beans & Peppers–How is Your Stress Level?

Well that was fun, a long weekend to play a little.  Did you have a break this last week at all? I really think that one long weekend per month would be quite alkalizing for so many of us that don’t take time to chill out!-don’t you think? We are short a few in a […]

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Red & White Salad of Radish, Fennel, Jicama & Macadamia Nuts–Happy Canada Day!

There’s no better time than this weekend for a red & white salad.  Canada day will find many of us Canucks taking advantage of the long celebratory weekend to prepare some yummy food to share with friends and family.  If you celebrate the 4th of July in the US, perhaps you can add some blueberries […]

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Chive Dressing Simple Salad–Homemade Salad Dressings 101

Most every evening when preparing our family meal, the one thing that is pretty much a constant is the task of creating a tasty dressing that will make our salad delicious and different from yesterdays, tantalizing the palate with yummy flavours.  I have made soooo many different concoctions I can hardly recall them all and […]

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Spring Pea & Edamame Spread –The Greens of Spring

Green.  My favourite colour because I know how healthy it is to nourish our bodies with greens, but I especially love the aesthetic beauty of spring greens outside my window and in my community.  I’ve been driving down our country roads completely in awe of the smattering of fresh greens bursting from the trees and […]

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Avocado & Hemp Nut Snack-Natures Perfect Foods

Sometimes all we need is a little snack. Something to tide us over for a bit.  Give us sustenance and energy until our next meal. Kinda like this post for you and for me.  A little something to say I’m still here, a little inspiration.  Life has been busy this week, do you think could […]

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Creamy Avocado Breakfast Juice & Highlights of Orlando Food Blog Forum & Decorate Book Launch in London

Every now and again us blogger types decide to indulge ourselves and our passions by taking the liberty-cuz we can- and spill everything on this endlessly scrolling page.  Today happens to be one of those days!  Lucky for you or…. maybe not!  If you are short on time, do take in the yummy healthy recipe […]

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Mint & Lime Edamame Snack and What’s the deal with Soy?

There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home!  Dorothy had it right.  The sun shone today, my kids smiles warmed my heart and I could enjoy a home cooked meal prepared with my hubby!  As wonderful as it is to explore the world, it’s a delight to return to your own roost.  I […]

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Asian Pear & Green Apple Raw Tart w/ Apple Cream-Japan in our Hearts

This morning I awoke with inspiration for making a delicious raw tart that is made from wholesome living ingredients.  I love that as indulgent as it is with natural sugars, it is still rich with nutrients that I wouldn’t find if I chose just any old sweet treat.  As I pondered the recipe in my […]

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Green Drinks for a Healthy St.Patty’s Day & Why You Should Rotate Your Greens

The luck O’ the Irish is on your side today just in time for celebrating with the healthy leprechauns! It’s all about green, my favourite colour these days!  I’ve put together a collection of healthy tasty recipes for delicious Fresh Green Juice.  If you don’t have time for juicing maybe you might like to try […]

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Chipotle & Hemp Kale Chips for Movie Night, Farm Visit & My Teaching Debut!

What’s your favourite movie snack? Popcorn, chocolate, crunchee potato chips?  A movie just isn’t the same without a yummy nibbly treat in hand.  But does it always have to be something that makes you feel shocked and guilty when you look into the bag after an intense scene and you can’t believe you ate the […]

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Disclaimer: The content on this site is not written with intentions to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments. Our content is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat health issues of any sort. Our information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Copyright Julie Cove and Yvonne Becker, 2009-2010. Please do not use or copy any information, recipes or photos without permission or without noting its origins on your blog or website.