From the category archives:

Alkaline Hints and Tips

Lavender Almond Milk & A Miracle

Have you ever experienced a serious near miss?  A near miss that could have caused you terrible harm or harm to your loved ones.  Well, it happened to me just two weeks ago, my first ever serious near miss.  My kids and I experienced a true miracle where we were involved in a serious car […]

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Raw Veggie Chard Wrap with Ancho Chili Dip–The Balancing Act of Alkalizing Daily

So, I know this chard wrap idea isn’t rocket science nor is it original but the dip….oh mee oh my!  The thing is if you are going to eat a bunch of regular old veggies why not jazz ’em up so you love ’em even more!  That’s my idea of a great veggie recipe. Sure, […]

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Minted Pea & Fava Bean Salad

She’s alive, she’s alive!  I didn’t disappear for good, just been buried deep beneath my textbooks, highlighters and 3 hole punched note pads with assignments comin’ out the ying yang!  Only 3 weeks to go, yeehaaa!  Phew….. I can’t believe it’s been 10 months since I began my studies in Holistic Nutrition.  I had high […]

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Rainbow Salad w/ Avocado & Meyer Lemon Dressing– Food Revolution Day!

Here I am….I’m back for a moment!  Did you miss me? I totally missed you!  I’ve been studying my tail off learning lots of good stuff to write about in posts right here and in a book for you one day!  It’s my passion to share and inspire you to make the best food & […]

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Raw Coconut Cream Pie ‘n Berries, A Valentines Treat! & Instagram Addiction

With Valentines day upon us once again I wanted to share a wonderfully delicious pie that is filled with love and healthy ingredients that you can shower upon the special people in your life.  It feeds a crowd–small pieces are recommended as it’s very coconutty and richly deeelish! -but not overly sweet at all.  You […]

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Savoy Cabbage Slaw w/ Papaya & Pomegranate-TV Segment & Interview

Many people crave comfort food in the mid of winter-is this you?? I do too, once in a while when it’s blustery out but lately, I’ve been craving more tropical flavours that take me to far off warmer climates-in my mind!  I’d love to be joining my girlfriend Karen Elgersma & her family on her […]

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Raw Green Veggie Soup w/ Cilantro & Avocado-What’s your 2012 Health Goal?

Yummm…… how delightfully fresh and welcoming is the flavour of healthy green organic veggies especially after a little zig and zag over the holidays combined with a lack of sleep!  It’s completely energizing and uplifting to dine on this pretty green soup knowing full well that it’s what my body is begging for.  I did […]

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Raw Chocolate Holiday Fudge w/Coconut, Gogi & Ginger

Oh my gosh by golly…. how is it nearly Christmas?  This fall has been action packed but somehow I can’t believe how quickly Christmas has arrived.  I’m now enjoying the start of a 3 week break from school and it feels soooo good to be able to set the books aside. Yeeehaaa!  Unfortunately, I have […]

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Tomato Basil stuffed Spaghetti Squash w/ Garlic Almond Cheeze-Weight loss with whole foods??

So here I go….obsessing yet again, over another vegetable dish…..spaghetti squash!  I’m sure I’ve dreamed of it since can’t stop wanting to make it for dinner…..all too often!  Spaghetti winter squash is so abundant right now and very comforting in the cool temperatures and it’s been a perfectly acceptable candida meal-bonus!!  It’s much less starchy […]

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Raw Cranberry Pie- to go! Digestion-How Is yours Right Now?

Every day that I meet someone that is keen to listen to some of the health wisdom that I have uncovered it’s the most inspiring experience.  It makes everything that I am doing right now including being away from my family each week so worthwhile.  I become even more driven in my studies, in learning […]

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Disclaimer: The content on this site is not written with intentions to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments. Our content is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat health issues of any sort. Our information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Copyright Julie Cove and Yvonne Becker, 2009-2010. Please do not use or copy any information, recipes or photos without permission or without noting its origins on your blog or website.