As recorded by The Statement for Health Professionals by the Committee on Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association, exercise can help control blood lipid abnormalities, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, aerobic exercise adds an independent blood pressure–lowering effect. In general, we are all more than aware of the many benefits that regular exercise can contribute to our overall well being.
When we think of exercise, one imagines going to the gym and sweating our brains out on a stair master or tread mill for an hour and suffering for days afterward from over doing it. This kind of work outs doesn’t make you want to return and repeat the pain for days making it very difficult to get the motivation back to return to the gym…
I hate working out. I personally hate sweating and the thought of the gym… but, I have had an annual membership since 1989, and I hate to quit paying the $8.- a month fee as it is so cheap. My thought is that if I stop paying, it’s an admission that I am not going to exercise… so I keep it current. I fool myself into thinking I will go next month or when I have time. I think I have only been to that gym maybe 10-20 times in the 20 years I have had the membership. It’s hard to swallow, but true.
On the other hand, I love to have fun. I run around with my dog, I play soccer with my children, I hike through nearby parks, I ride horses with my daughter and take weekly lessons, I walk daily… I actually do a reasonable amount of exercise when I think about it. I also have a rebounder I bounce on for 10 minutes a day, and on occasion, I have fun with my Wii fit.
Exercise doesn’t have to be hard. As long a you are getting out there and moving every day and getting some anaerobic exercise daily, it can easily be worked into your life.
Ideally, you should aim for some form of cardiovascular exercise that gets your heart rate up for about 20 minutes a day. If that is playing with your dog, power walking with a friend, going for a bike ride with your children, dancing at a club – without the booze, or a run around your neighborhood, that is all you need. If you have time for a fitness program, there are lots of fun classes you can attend, such as jazzersize – dancing to music, kick boxing, boot camps that will kick your butt or private fitness instructors that are always grateful to help with a routine.
Whatever the program maybe, everyone needs to have exercise in their life. You need to get off the couch and move! End of story.
Alkaline Sister Yvonne
{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
Thank you so much for the loving care you have put into this site. I am inspired and motivated to up my alkalinity, exercise and improve my health!
Hi Julie,
Wrote you a couple times, last was over two months ago. I’m still on smoothies twice a day and have incorporated as many as five veggies into the blend. For the past two weeks I cut out the spirulina, chlorella and other powders, & increased the veggies, now bringing them back slowly with wheatgrass first. I love my smoothies; added some orange rind this morning, gave it a nice zest. Between meals I might have a canned tomato/veg coctail or orange.
I wrote about my sciatica pain. I have not gone to a doctor yet so don’t really know what is the original cause; will go in January when my new healthcare insurance kicks in. I know I’m healing but it’s been since mid-June when I got these leg muscle and nerve pains, and it’s much more bearable although I have days when it’s excruciating yet. I go for 2 or 3 mile walks almost every day and turned back because of pain only a few times. Usually after walking about a mile the pain lets up considerably, and so I’m able to slow jog for a short stint, then walk, then jog. Today I reached a point where I’m in less pain when jogging, as I see the pain build up when I continue walking, so begin jogging again.
But the pain is basically always there to some degree, in my legs, butt, hips. Squatting seems to stretch out the nerves and diminish all pain greatly and am at a point where I don’t have to bend every half hour, although the mornings are still rough.
What gave me a scare was as the nerve pain in my legs seemed to be lessening I realized more burning pain in the front of my thighs all the way to the knees, but now after enduring this too without seeing a doctor, it is actually subsiding.
I use more alkaline foods than ever in my life, but don’t know if it’s necessary to give up white bread (love it toasted with peanut butter). I called it quits with the grape preserves and chocolate syrup – can’t bring myself to buy high fructose syrup foods any longer; hardly use cereals now when not so long ago was buying four boxes a month of various kinds – I think they’re all junk – and I stopped the milk, even the raw milk so cereal is forgedda-bout it. I do use cacao powder and recently began mixing a spoonful with almond oil and water and xylitol and using as a spread over peanut butter – not bad, but it’s better straight, sans the pb.
I’m writing and writing, and don’t know if there’s a point, but think I wanted to talk to you because I recall you had herniated disc causing sciatic pain. I don’t know anyone with this awful disease, not this bad anyway. I’m in my 60’s but was as spry as a 24 year old until mid-June, now I have to consciously stand straight otherwise I tend to stoop because of the leg pain. Funny thing, the thought of having disease ’til I drop is actually what motivated me to go into high gear with the jogging. Now additionally I make a point each day of ending my walks with a steep hill ascend/descend walk.
Well thanks for letting me unburden myself to you. I think you’ve got one of the best health sites on the web. You definitely inspired me to eat more cooked veggies. I’ve been writing while cooking; supposed to be making a simple curry dish but turned into a huge veggie stew with curry (and cayenne, turmeric, cummin, cinnamon, raisins, almonds, coconut oil, Himalayan salt of course).
Hope to be writing when I’m totally healed in a month or two. Thanks for listening.
Trumpsahead HI there, sorry with Christmas and all, I now have a moment to reply:) You are completely on the right track. I can really relate because this was me, exactly! My words of wisdom are perseverance with your healthy diet and patience. It’s important to have a high volume of alkaline foods, 70-80% but it is just as important to hydrate with 3-4 litres of filtered preferrably alkaline water everyday to plump up your disc, to increase the space between the discs, to stop the pinching of the nerves that reach your hip, butt and thighs causing all the pain and….continue to maintain a high variety of veggies to provide the wide nutrients necessary to heal. This may require supplementing until you are feeling well again to boost the volume of nutrients. If you are not taking a really good multi-vitamin I would recommend getting one. There’s many things I could suggest with further investigation from my studies and your health analysis but I am not fully qualified to do so just yet. My recommendation is to continue your healthy food, following the alkaline foods listing and when you can use your medical plan seek a nutritionist and/or a Naturopathic Doctor- forgedda-bout a regular western doctor- they will steer you in the complete opposite direction with medications and surgery which you can certainly bypass if you so choose since you are coping now and seem to be seeing some improvement. Eating some warmed foods at this time of year is comforting but do be aware that each meal is more ideal when raw foods also accompany it as the cooking depletes the enzymes (which aid digestion) and the vitamins leaving only a few minerals in tact so you are missing out on precious nutrients with warmed food. But you can still capture them if you also eat some raw at every meal. If I were to suggest another supplement it would be a full spectrum enzyme. This will ensure that you break down and digest your foods properly provided that your stomach lining is in good shape. I would also recommend taking a fish oil to assure you have adequate healthy omega oils in your diet to build healthy cells and support immunity and reduce inflammation at the disc. I take the liquid brand called Nutrasea as it is the highest quality with third party testing for contaminants and I put it in my smoothie everyday-you can’t taste it at all. What I do to find out what exact nutrients my body requires is have a live blood analysis done where it is possible to see the issues in your blood that require healing (supplementing) so that your body can heal itself. I also have a hair analysis done to examine what minerals I am high or low in so I can balance that. Between these two you have measuring stick to assess your needs and your progress as you heal. It is encouraging and sooo accurate instead of guessing what supplements you may need. If you are interested let me know and I can try to help you locate someone close to you that can offer these services. Thank you for sharing your progress. As hard as it is you are certainly doing a FINE job with your diet, just really be sure to drink your water esp. upon rising!! Please keep me posted, I Love hearing how you are doing:)
I have been poorly since January. I have almost every test going and all come back normal. I have aches and pains everywhere and flu like symptoms but mainly a cough and sore throat. The doctors thought is was a virus; then Asthma and then put me on anti-biotics. Nothing has worked. I thought a while ago it was GERD (or GORD i.e Gastroesophageal reflux disease) as I have alot of heartburn and indigestion. I am obese which dosen’t help mainly because my diet is 90% acid and I never exercise. A few years ago I did the Blood Group diet and lost loads of weight and felt much healthier. I’ve realised what I’m eating is making me ill and it’s time to do something about it.
I had heard about alkaline v acid when I googled Alkaline Recipes your site popped up.
So just wanted to say thank you so much for doing this site and providing us with so much information and lovely recipes. It looks beautiful too!
Hi Dee, glad you landed here:) I suppose you know what you need to do. It’s truly the answer. The best way to achieve your goal to be well is find support. I highly suggest a coach or someone to help keep you motivated along with your own honest reasons for wanting to be well. A live blood analysis will also help you with inspiring before, during and after ‘progress’ of how your body is healing. It shows everything that is out of balance in your body! A must for you I say! Also you can join a highly supportive cleanse here I may offer one eventually but in the mean time these folks are trained by Dr. Young and I have participated in their cleanse and they are incredibly knowledgeable and supportive. Also Read or listen to The pH Miracle, it will inspire you to stay on track as it explains the why! Wishing you all the best:) Keep me posted on your progress!
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