After a whirlwind book launch media tour I’m happy to be ‘home sweet home’ with my family and my Vitamix! It was exciting to be on National Television and even interviewed by Sarah Richardson on Global TV in Toronto, love her! Sharing my story with viewers and hearing feed back about the health challenges so many people face has made this journey even more fulfilling, knowing that my book can really help to inspire and make a difference for so many people’s lives. It’s a pretty book but it’s an important book too! I hope my book becomes the most dog eared and tattered book on your shelf! Now if I could be so brazen as to ask any of you whom have had a good read over the book and are enjoying it to add a comment on Amazon I would be ever so grateful! It’s one of the best ways to share and inspire other readers to order a copy and get the Alkaline word out! The Amazon Canada link is here and the Amazon US is here. Thank you!
Now….drum roll……I’m soooo excited to share the winners of the draws for a free copy of my book!
Darleen Larney Torrance
Florence Bianco
Ali Jude
Thank you to everyone for their kind words in the comments from my last post, for subscribing and for liking my Facebook page! If the winners would please message me with their addresses, Penguin Random House will mail you a free copy of my book, Yay! Congratulations!
This week I have a recipe that didn’t fit between the 300 pages of my book but is a great recipe for an alkaline start to your morning. By all means add more protein if need be by way of your favourite protein powder or hemp seeds too! Protein requirements vary person to person depending on your activity levels and your other meals throughout the day so be sure to customize your meals accordingly.
Avocado Breakfast Bowl with Zesty Lime, Fresh Mint and Pistachios
I sometimes call it breakfast gazpacho! It’s a yummy nutritious way to start the day while pampering your digestive track and feeding your brain with all the healthy fats.
***purely alkaline- avoid pistachios if you are doing the veggie feast or a cleanse
Yield: One Serving, about 1 cup
1 avocado
4 drops alcohol free stevia
juice of one lime
1/2 cup cucumber, roughly chopped
18-24 fresh mint leaves
1/8 tsp lime zest
teensy pinch of sea salt
2 tbsp melted Extra Virgin coconut oil
chopped pistachios, optional
wee bit more lime zest
Place Avocado, stevia and lime juice in blender, combine til creamy. Next add cucumber, lime zest, sea salt and coconut oil. Blend til smooth & creamy. Finally, add mint leaves and process just til combined and mint is minced but still visible.
Pour into serving bowl and sprinkle with chopped pistachio and a fresh grate of lime zest.
Enjoy with a spoon or a straw perhaps.
As promised here is another digital illustration from my book for this incredibly nutritious and cleansing Blender Greens Master Recipe. This gives you all the recommended options for creating a blended green drink if you don’t have a juicer OR if you just prefer to blend instead of juice your veggies. Be sure to post it to your Pinterest board or your Facebook so you can find it when you are ready for it.
I’m looking forward to the continued blossoming trees of spring in our neighborhood as the days get longer, brighter and warmer.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
A Green Blender Drink Cheer to you!
Your Alkaline Sister

I have a question that I hope your expertise can answer because I haven’t had any luck finding the answer somewhere else. I have been very successful and shifting to alkaline by having a quart of lemon water every day. My best friends is also in an acidic state and has a lot of health issues that come from that. But she hates Lemon and lime. Is there something else that she could add in place of the lemon or lime. Would orange juice work? Since it’s also a citrus. If so how much orange juice should she be drinking. We’re heading to water. Thanks for your help
Hi Andrea, white grapefruit has the next least amount of sugar along side the lemons and limes. An orange has too much sugar and is not considered to be alkalizing. You could also add the pHor salts which are alkaline mineral salts to increase the alkalinity of your body.
YUM and congrats to the winners:)
Hi Julie, I’ve been following your blog silently for years and was excited when you mentioned your book had come out. I purchased it and find the reading so informative and explained in a way everyone can understand. I’m reading this cover to cover. As an avid cook, culinary instructor and food blogger I’m so impressed with this that for the first time I decided to share my thoughts on Amazon USA. I’m sure it will be a huge success!!!
Thank you so kindly! Your feedback is much appreciated and will help others discover this healthy lifestlye:) All my best to you:)
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