After all the Valentines goodies you might not really be looking for more sweets but if you are anything like me…if it’s a ‘healthy sweet treat’ then I’ll take it any ole time!
Thinking back to the early days of unappetizing smoothies, murky brown green juice that tasted nasty, ingredients I had never heard of let alone know what to do with them, my meals were experiments from cook books, some good, some not so much.
That was why I started a blog. I knew that if I was struggling to find delicious healthy recipes, others would be too. I’ve always loved cooking and creating tasty dishes so I figured with enough trials that I could make healthy food way better than what I was finding on-line and in the many, many books I was buying. And so I cooked & blogged and cooked & blogged. I taught myself how to take awesome pictures with a little help along the way from few experts & friends.
After studying Holistic Nutrition I knew I was ready to do a book and I manifested that with my intention and my goals. And off I went. Three years later the results now lay in my hands. If only I could have had such a friendly, informative, pretty and inspiring book to lead me on my alkaline health journey.
If you are experiencing anything less than optimal well being, then you can benefit from alkalizing your lifestyle. It is the single most beneficial health shift that you can make that will change your life, for good!
Depending on your current lifestyle it may be a big or a little shift to lean into the alkaline lifestyle but it is totally doable. There’s no counting calories, fats nor carbs. In my book I make it really easy to adopt this lifestyle with tips for balancing your plate, lots of food substitutions, clearly categorized recipes and a 4 step program that will help you leave your symptoms of ill health behind you or shed any excess weight. Again…if I had had this book way back when…. I know that my journey would have been far more inspiring, fun, simple and way more delicious!
As the count down continues for my book launch I thought it would be fun to share a sneak peak of a sweet treat to tantalize your taste buds until you have your own copy of Eat Better, Live Better, Feel Better to make yummy things from the many recipes I have created for you.
These Salted Pecan Caramel Butter Cups are the yummiest treat in the afternoon with a warm cup of tea. They are my version of the peanut butter cups I had as a kid, but this is the healthy adult version you can enjoy without the guilt. Although the cacao powder is not exactly ideal (it’s on the acidic side but does have antioxidants and that feel good factor) it is okay in moderation if you are alkaline balanced.
Lucuma however is an amazing super food that is high in beta-carotene, an important source of vitamin A which our bodies need for better eyesight, promoting cellular growth, and even helping with immune system reactions. It’s also high in iron, vitamin B3 which aids in digestion, muscle development, and the regulation of stress and sex hormones. Lucuma is also an anti-inflammatory food as well as being anti-viral and anti-bacterial. I think we could all stand to add some of this ancient super food to our diets that the Peruvians have eaten since 200 A.D. They considered Lucuma to be a symbol of both longevity and fertility.
Lucuma is a slightly sweet powder ground from the lucuma nut, and it totally boosts the natural caramel flavor of ground pecans. If you make these cups keep them chilled, as the nutrient-rich coconut oil softens and melts easily and they really are theyummiest when nice and cold but you may have to pop them in your mouth after only 1 or 2 bites! The salted pecan caramel filling is also delicious as a dip on its own—try it with crisp, crunchy slices of jicama and pinches of coarse sea salt…Mmmmm…. my fave!
Salted Caramel Pecan Butter Cups
Yield: Makes 10-12
* DO AHEAD: Soak 1 cup pecans in 2 cups filtered, alkaline water for 1–2 hours.
Salted Pecan Caramel Filling
1 cup soaked pecans, rinsed and drained well
11⁄2 tsp filtered, alkalized water
11⁄2 Tbsp lucuma
21⁄2 Tbsp flax oil
1⁄2 tsp pure vanilla extract
5–8 drops liquid stevia
Chocolate Cups
1⁄2 cup cold-pressed, extra- virgin coconut oil
1⁄4 cup raw cacao powder
1⁄4 cup carob powder
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp pure maple syrup
(optional) 4–6 drops liquid stevia
coarse sea salt
FILLING: Place the pecans in a food processor and process until the nuts form a butter. If the mixture is too thick, add the water and blend
again. You should end up with a soft, smooth, rather creamy butter that doesn’t appear oily. Add the lucuma, flax oil, vanilla, and stevia and blend again to combine.
CUPS: Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper cupcake liners.
Melt the coconut oil in a medium saucepan over very, very low heat. Stir in the cacao and carob powders, vanilla, maple syrup (if using), and stevia.
Fill a 2-cup measuring cup with hot tap water, pour out the water, and then dry the cup with paper towel. Pour the chocolate mixture into the measuring cup.
TO ASSEMBLE: Pour a teaspoonful of the melted chocolate mixture into each cupcake liner. Add a heaping teaspoonful of the pecan filling, smooth it out a little with the back of the teaspoon, and top with 2 tsp of the chocolate to cover. Repeat until you run out of filling or chocolate. (If the chocolate starts to solidify, fill a large bowl with hot water and set the measuring cup in it.) Sprinkle with coarse sea salt. Refrigerate for 20 minutes, or until cool and set. Then try to share these insanely yummy treats instead of eating the whole batch!
Here’s a sneak peek of a page opener from my book. There’s sooo many pretty images for you to pour over in the book like this one. I had so much fun shooting pretty pictures to make the book more exciting for you to read. I’m hoping that it becomes one of your favourites and ends up dog eared with sticky notes poking out from the pages.
Now if you live in the Calgary area…. I am so excited to tell you that I will be there next week on Wednesday, March 2nd all day, busy with media events with my publicist and also signing books for stock at 5 locations! I’ve noted the details on my events page here so that you can stop by and say a quick hello and pick up your copy of the book. And of course, I’d be delighted to sign your copy!
And….if you live in Victoria I would be delighted if you came to my talk in Sidney sponsored by Tanner’s Books on Friday March 4th, It will be held at The Red Brick Cafe with tickets for sale at Tanner’s for $5.00 each. The event details are here on Facebook.
I hope you enjoy these healthy treats until we chat again 🙂
A Green Smoothie Cheer

Can stevia be replaced in the recipe for salted carmel cups?
Hi Marie, the reason stevia is used is to really cut back on the amount of sugar in each bite. Sugar is poison and the less the better. But we all love sweet things don’t we? Stevia is quite wonderful if you give it a chance. This is a good way to mask it if you are not keen on it as when you blend it with other sweeteners it isn’t noticeable and it does what it is supposed to do….minimize the need for too much of the other sweeteners. If it’s an allergy I get it but honestly….give it a try. Use an alcohol free stevia liquid for the least after taste:) Yacon is plan B as it is low glycemic but it is very costly to use a lot in your recipes so I just use a bit! all the best!
Got your cookbook today !! Love Love Love it !!
Absolutely gorgeous !!! You explain everything perfectly ! ! So excited can’t wait to read through it and use the recipes!!I knew it would be awesome and you didn’t let me down!! Thank you so much !!!
Saw you on the noon news today & my interest was piqued. In nov 2012 I contracted group A strep toxic shock, was in hospital for 3 months. Ended up having left leg below knee, all my right toes & left finger tips amputated. I was able to go back running but had a lot of pain in my foot. I had 2 more surgeries & am planning on starting the running rooms learn to run clinic this Monday, March 14. I need to get back in shape & lose all the weight I gained during recovery. I’m hoping your book helps with that. I’ve always had a sensitive & sore stomach, I’m thinking the change in food will help with that. Wish me luck & thanks for writing the book. I’ll be purchasing it soon
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