Is your morning ritual healthy? Does it include alkalizing foods that will nourish your cells providing terrific energy to start your day? If you’re not quite sure, let me show you what is incredibly delicious that will do exactly that! First off though, this is a recipe that requires that you make a commitment to your health goals, bite the bullet and get yourself a juicer- and get a decent one cuz believe me it will become one of the top used appliances in your kitchen once you taste this addictive recipe and feel the benefits of juicing. See our juicer info here. I can’t take full credit for this recipe because it was originally created by Matthew Kenney who wrote Everyday Raw. I adapted this by using less apple or no apple to reduce the sweetness. If I want to be a purist and keep the fruit separate but I want a little sweet I add a little stevia to the juice and voila pure veggies, some lemon and some sweetness. Still just divine!
I must admit that hardly a day passes that I don’t begin my day without this yummy juice, which must mean that I am addicted to this drink. And I know that there are many other delicious recipes, and have tried many others but there is something about this combination that everyone in the family also absolutely loves. When we are out of any one ingredient we kinda panic- we run to the grocery store in the morning to get what we need- crazy huh?
1 apple ( may leave out if you wish for no sweetness)
1 lemon peeled
2 celery stalks
2 large carrots
1 large english cucumber or 2 field cukes
1/2″ piece of fresh ginger
6-10 stems parsley (any kind)
6 stems fresh mint
Begin juicing all items above making sure NOT to juice the herbs & ginger last as they need a solid veggie to force their goodness residue thru the mesh of the machine.
Stir and pour into glass. I have this thing for straws so I always enjoy mine with a straw- my morning cocktail! Yum!!
Yield: Approx 20-25 fl oz. Depending on the size of each of your veggies it will vary. Add more cucumber to increase volume if you wish. I have even juiced a small zuchini in a pinch. I am often double this recipe for a family of 5 every morning.
Tip 1 : Get yourself a compost if you don’t already have one and you’ll be producing the most amazing soil!
Tip 2: 20-30 mins after drinking this follow with my spelt porridge recipe and you will be good to go for about 3 hours or more. It’s good to snack on raw healthy nuts in between meals if you feel the growlies so grab a handful to take with you as you head out the door.

Hi, i noticed in Tip#2. you say it is good to snack on RAW nuts! I was under the impression that raw nuts had to be soaked before eaten for easier digestion! I am confused. can you help me with this. Thanks.
Theresa, It’s certainly most ideal to soak them for digestion, but still a lot better to just snack on raw nuts versus roasted. There are varying degrees of consciousness, thus the more conscious you are the better. Thanx for pointing this out.
This was really good! My friend and I trying to eat alkaline for 21 days (crazy, sexy , diet) I need more juice ideas! Help!
Hi Rona, there are a few more recipes on this post and juices and a savory creamy drink on this post and there’s a green smoothie right here. You can just get creative and I’m sure it will taste yummy! Good luck:)
I love you blog and I posted this recipe to highlight it on my foodie community blog. Hopefully you’ll come by and check it out.
Hi there! Thanks for this post and your website! I’m new to the concept of alkaline and juicing. I’ve just started reading Crazy Sexy Diet and stumbled on your website from a facebook post. I’ve also been reading up on seasonal eating and wonder how that may/may not affect the produce you choose for your juices. Thanks!
Jamie, Thank you:) Yes indeed I do find that I am able to find more abundant organic cucumbers locally grown in my area in the summer months that taste way better than the imported ones. And our local kale and chard are so much tastier too. On the whole though, we still juice similar ingredients in the winter because our recipe is made with some basic vegetables but we do have a much harder time finding them locally in the winter, and sometimes it’s difficult to find organic in the winter. We do the very best we can. I yearn for the day that I can grow more or that I reside in a place where organic produce is abundant year round. Thanks for your comment and for stopping by:)
Hi Julie & Yvonne,
I just spent more than an hour typing my story to you and lost it when I hit the submit button at the bottom. Seems that button is in the wrong place.
So I’ll just ask a question as I can’t go through that again:
Do you skin the cucumbers before you juice them or just wash them?
Trumpshead, I don’t skin them as there are many phyto nutrients just beneath the skin that you don’t want to lose out on that are so good for you but I do wash them. Just buy organic tho or you will be eating pesticides. I’ll get the button checked- so sorry, that is just soo annoying.
Hi, Im starting a 90 day juice fast and will try your morning drink suggestion. I have been doing one I remembered from years ago, which includes- beets, carrots,oranges. I have since modified it to include beet tops, ginger, and changed the oranges to apples( Fugi and Green) I seem to like this last version best. I have a hard time with “GREEN juice” I don’t understand it but my taste buds hate it. On the other hand I have no problem with Beet tops( which I have been told are consided Greens and much higher in nurtrients than most other greens) As a rule of thumb:
1- Is it possible to do a 90 day juice fast without including so many Greens?
2- Is there a limit of juice one should drink per serving?
3- How often should I be drinking juice throughout the day
Thank you for your web site, I like it because of its simplicity, stylish look and ease of use. Besides- you guys are cool! )
Thanks again,
Hi Tony, thank you sooo kindly:) In answer to your questions….I highly recommend this fellow’s juice feasting program. I have met David and he’s an amazing source for your journey of juice feasting. A healthy successful juice feast is based on “lots of green veggies”. They are the main source of alkalinity and are mandatory for sustainable nutrients over such a long juice feast. They contain most of the vitamins and minerals that our body requires to function. My experience is that initially when you are not accustomed to drinking your greens it does taste weird. However, slowly you will become to love and crave them, trust me, I’ve been there and I’ve managed to get my whole family to “crave” their green juice, ages 6, 10, 19 and a husband!! It took some time but I did it with this recipe for the tasty green juice which is our everyday recipe + kale. It has lots of green from the mint and parsley and cucumber and celery. I added dried powdered green leaf stevia to sweeten it to get them accustomed. Start with out the kale and adjust what ever you need to make it yummy and slowly add small pieces of kale. Lemon really helps to cut the flavour of the greens. Before you know it you will truly enjoy this daily nutrient packed beverage and will miss it when you can’t have it. We are officially addicted as a family!! We bring our juicer when we travel or we arrange accommodations near a juice bar!
As for your other questions I can’t say that I am an expert for a long juice feast as I have only done and facilitated 3 day sessions. David is an expert so I would direct your questions to him. But essentially if you are seriously thinking of a pure juice feast you only drink juice thru the day, as needed I believe, combined with pure alkaline filtered water and perhaps some supplements. I would add avocados blended into some of the daily drinks for my juice feast if it was me as I believe omega oils are essential and I wouldn’t go 90 days with out them. He may also suggest something like this.
If however you are just thinking of adding juicing to your existing diet, then just start experimenting and you will grow to like your greens if you get the right combination going on. I have a few tasty combos on my recipe page. Good luck to you and let me know what your plan is and then check in cuz I’d love to be in the loop of your success!!
I have a very old juicer & it’s a lot of work so I made this using my blender as I do all of my smoothies. Could that be why it turned out orange & not green? I had it for breakfast this morning & the flavor was just okay but I was able to drink it w/o a problem so that’s a plus. Knowing how good it is for me made it worth it. ; )
Hi there! Your site is just gorgeous and full of yummy ideas. My next purchase is definately going to be a juicer as I want to make this a morning habit also. One quick question, when you say the stems of mint/parsley etc, does that mean that you pick the leaves off and just use the stem or do you use the whole thing? Sorry if that’s a ridiculous question! Thanks 🙂
hi Phoebe Thanx you:). No worries I wasn’t clear. A stem is the leaves and the stem and I juice about 5-6 or more depending on my mood!
I recommend the Hurom juicer that I have been using for a year now. The juice is more flavourful and yields about 20-30% more juice. Your body will thank you! thx for stopping by:)
Just started juicing this morning with my husband – and it’s odd for me to start something in the middle of the week, so I consider this a major step in the right direction – and used this this recipe. I just finished my first ever glass of homemade juice, and I gotta say, I really didn’t know what to expect when I dropped $300 on a Breville juicer, but I’m definitely going to make this my morning routine. It was delicious! I couldn’t believe that I could taste all of the veggies, herbs, and fruit, despite them having been mixed together!
I’ve accumulated a few different recipes to keep it interesting but I’m really glad I started off with this one. Thanks for all of your awesome info, I’m really looking forward to this adventure!
Hi Lys. Yeah, sooooo excited for you and your new juicing routine! It will certainly change your life! I’m an addict now. This recipe is what really made me stick to it too! All the best to you Lys and thank you for sharing!!
Thanks so much for this recipe. I love it! My husband showed it to me and we went out and bought a juicer and now we’re making it almost on a daily basis. Such a nice and easy way to have your veggies and greens.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151506557330414&l=a74d2ea946 🙂
Heajoo, readers like you inspire me to keep on bloggin’!!
Thank you, so glad you are juicing!
This sounds awesome! I make one with kale that I am getting bored with. I’m going to give this one a try. Thanks for sharing!!!
I was excited to encounter your recipe, as I was already planning my morning drink. The recipe is exactly what I was planning to put together, but adding kale and minus the fact that I am completely out of mint. I just borrowed my dad’s centrifugal juicer so I could get more juice out of my pulp because my centrifugal juicer isn’t producing dry pulp. It’s extremely moist.
I am getting excited to transform my body into an alkaline state, in the attempts of killing Lyme disease. I know this’ll make my body a hostile environment. So yay for that.
Above you were mentioning omega oils. Dark, leafy greens, and winter squash are two excellent resources for a omega oils. Pumpkin is, additionally, another good source. Since flaxseed is another excellent source, I would consider grinding some up and adding it to my juice. There are so many sources unknown to most of the population, but I think if we just take a little time we will find all the most wonderful resources available to us in a plant-based diet.
I have switched to a vegan, gluten-free diet, for health reasons. I’m actually pretty excited about it. There are times, since this is still very new to me, that I have a desire for something outside of the plant-based food sources, but not often. However, there are some things I really enjoy in the winter and don’t want to lose, although I am on a quest for an alkaline system. In my research I found decaffeinated alkaline coffee, and I want to test it and see how alkaline it really is. The claim is that it is very alkaline, and if it is I will use coconut milk in it to act as my creamer, and sweeten with some stevia, and enjoy it on occasion. Is Stevia alkaline?
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for sharing your recipe and I look forward to reading the rest of your information. 🙂
I borrowed my day’s SINGLE GEAR masticating juicer… haha. I already have a centrifugal juicer. Silly me.
I have a very good blender called a blendtec. Can I use that to make juice instead of a juicer?
Katherine, I recommend juicing and blending but the juicing is optimal for concentrated nutrients and is very easily assimilated. Blending is less concentrated as you can’t very easily consume the equivalent in nutrients as the volume is much greater when the fibre remains and it digests slower because of the fiber. Of course fiber is very important for good health so juicing doesn’t replace it, but instead is done in addition unless one is doing a short term cleanse to flush toxins and rebalance the body.
A blender won’t be able to extract the juice efficiently nor without a real process for you to sieve it all. so just blend until you can budget for a juicer. The Juice man is only around 100-125.00 for an introductory juicer and it does the job.
I don’t have a juicer right now so i used what i had. A simple blender and then squeeze out the juice through a cheese cloth, or whatever its called. What was left in the cloth was a great spice for my low-carb bread later in the day. Nothing goes to waste 😉
Thanx for sharing those awesome recipes!
@ Katherine Wolfe…You can also try blending your juice and then squeezing the entire mixture through a cheesecloth into a glass. It takes maybe a little more work, but works well! Also, bonus, less cleanup!
Thx Kate for chiming in, and @katherine Wolfe, yes it can be done in a blender however you will have to add water to the veggies to get them to blend thus you will have diluted the mixture which is fine but not as concentrated. Please use filtered alkaline water when ever possible to further alkalize the mixture. And keep in mind that ultimately we will consider a juicer as a mandatory appliance in our kitchens, as vital as a stove or fridge when it comes to maintaining our healthy bodies. All the best:)
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