When the phone rings at 6:59 am don’t you wonder what’s up? Well, as I rose to answer it and peeked out the window the fluffy white blanket explained it all! SNOW DAY! So with all this extra time on our hands in the middle of the week we decided pancakes were in order for breakfast. But not before we each had a big glass of our daily green juice to start the day. The kids need the energy boost that a hard days play in the snow requires.
I’ve honestly tried a zillion pancake recipes-it seems- and played around with ingredients and proportions to finally find a simple, easy, tasty and healthy pancake. There have been many that I didn’t get much feed back on-wonder why?- or that I was panicking about as I tested them right off the griddle, quickly jimmying the mixture, while desperately trying to save the batch. Now, I have my trusty basic recipe that I can add frozen blueberries to or top with any fresh berries and a drizzle of pure maple syrup. I’m not a big promoter of dining on a heaping stack of pancakes (though I couldn’t resist photographing them like this) even if they are spelt and vegan. You really need to add the component of juicing in the morning to feel like you aren’t beginning your day with a concentrated food that definitely won’t supply enough hydration or energy for your day. I’ve kept this recipe simple for those of you that might be missing the typical egg, butter, white flour, and milk version. These ones measure up pretty darn good if I do say so myself. What I will say though is that they aren’t buttermilk pancakes. They are wholesome, hearty and delicious in their own spelt way. I suggest you give them a try and see for yourself.
If you aren’t familiar with spelt flour you’ll be happy to learn that it is far superior to white flour and even whole wheat in that it is a much smaller crop and not a stored grain, therefore leaving it free from the long term effects of grains in storage that are prone to developing molds that end up in your flour bag. Although spelt is not gluten free it is packed with good fiber, niacin(B3), protein and lots of manganese, a key mineral found in our bodies in a minimal amount. Manganese ensures healthy bones, good absorption of calcium, proper function of your thyroid, regulates blood sugar, and many more intricate functions for a healthy body. So a nice dose in the morning can do a body good. Using almond milk gives added protein & nutrients including magnesium, selenium and vitamin E, with out the dairy. A little extra baking soda seems to take care of the lack of eggs maintaining a fluffy texture. The sunflower oil is quite neutral and is an excellent source of vitamin E and omega 6 fatty acids while being an unsaturated fat, excellent for withstanding heat. Sweetened with agave, this recipe is much lower on the glycemic index than those sweetened with sugar and the vanilla, well that’s a tasty bonus for making such a nice vegan version of a pancake. You can be generous with the vanilla, I’ll never tell! As for the maple syrup, please choose the real McCoy, not the Aunt Jemima kind since one is pure sugar poison and the other is packed with almost every mineral known to man! Is that reason enough to spend a little extra on the good stuff?
Spelt and Vanilla Vegan Pancakes
Yield: 6-8 pancakes
1 cup organic light spelt flour
2 tbsp aluminum free baking powder
1/8 tsp fine himalayan salt
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp agave maple syrup or a 3-4 drops of alcohol free stevia
2 tbsp cold pressed sunflower oil
1 1/2 tsp pure alcohol free vanilla
coconut oil for the pan
Measure all dry ingredients into a large bowl and all the wet ingredients into another smaller bowl. Give each mixture a good stir and then add the wet to the dry combining just until mixed. Set aside for 5 minutes to allow batter to rise. Prepare an open pan with 1/4 tsp coconut oil on low heat and gently spoon batter into pan without stirring batter too much, forming 2-3 small pancakes. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until bubbles appear on surface and are golden on underside, then flip to finish. Remove from pan and serve immediately or rest on wire rack so bottom doesn’t sweat forming a soggy cake as you prepare others. We like to double this recipe and often have the oven on low and place the cakes on a wire rack in the oven until there are enough for us to eat together and I freeze or just chill the extra cakes and pop them in the toaster the next day for a quick breakfast.
If you aren’t big on Maple syrup try some raw almond butter or whip up some cashew cream to go with your fresh berries instead. If you love blueberries either stir some frozen ones into the batter or drop them on top before flipping-yum I love them this way-but not everyone in my household does.
I’m working so hard to make this site such a visually pretty and delicious place to visit but my thoughts this morning after hearing about yet another friend’s diagnosis of cancer reminded me that I also need to continue to focus, share information and inspire ways to make choices that serve our health goals. Here’s the question.
What is it that makes us think that we don’t need to worry about what we eat? until…. the diagnosis comes in…. we panic…. and we are back tracking trying to eat healthy and “fix the situation” when all along we kinda new that we should eat our veggies, not drink so much alcohol, limit our sugar, skip the processed food, all those things we know nowadays.
The sad part of this situation is that depending on who it is that’s been diagnosed and how they were told, is what may make or break the possible recovery or failure to survive because the “Hope is gone”. You can’t help those that have lost hope and unfortunately many cancer diagnosis appointments take that glimmer of hope and burn it in an instant. “This cancer is rapid growing, it’s untreatable, it’s so rare we don’t know much about it, you only have 3-6 months”. It’s all so debilitating, so dulling and depressing that the will to live disintegrates yet meanwhile all the loving family members are scrambling around desperately trying to keep this ailing person alive when they have…. lost all hope. This, in my opinion, is what really ends it all for them. And it’s been proven time and time again, your mental state of mind is half the battle. You have to have the will to survive, to survive! And what do those doctors know anyway about how you can work around the cancer and how long you have or how your body will respond to various treatments? Taking charge of your own diagnosis is the only way to take back control and gain the hope. Chris Karr author of Crazy Sexy Diet (which is now #1 on Amazon), shares exactly how she picked herself up off the floor after being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and jump started her own personalized holistic cancer cure. Her first book Crazy Cancer Tips is comforting for anyone who has already been diagnosed.
But back to the question though, why don’t we take charge of our health before it’s too late? Well… maybe we think it won’t happen to us, what we can’t see inside our bodies must be fine if we can’t feel anything right now, or you doooo eat veggies-1x per day–big whoppee deal, or we are in denial that there is a problem, all the while ignoring symptoms that are progressively allowing the wild fire to spread. When are we going to wake up? What is it that makes us THINK we don’t have anything to worry about? I believe that the pain isn’t there or it isn’t sharp enough, so there is no motivation to make it stop. You know what I think one should do? Get Curious! Just start doing some research on the web, watch some compelling documentaries and devour a few books on holistic disease & cancer cures and slowly the sensible side of the brain will appear with clear instructions and some serious motivation. Knowledge is Power!
People are dropping like flies or should I say, like birds out of the sky, with cancer and it’s not going to stop if we don’t take a long hard look at what they aren’t telling us about what causes cancer. Some say it’s genetic-I disagree, some say it’s just chance-baloney, some say it’s old age-and most don’t really know why “they” got it cuz they thought they were so darned healthy, so active. What if you could see inside your body…what was…. or wasn’t brewing, would that help? Because we can’t see, we won’t really understand or believe the dangers of an unconscious lifestyle. We may have nagging symptoms that we bury with pain killers or aches and pains that we write off to old age. But with live blood & hair analysis there’s no excuse not to have a perfectly accurate picture of your true health. I highly recommend you take this leap and get a snap shot from which to begin your health journey. A session with a trained Live Blood Analysis Practitioner in your area is the key to your success in determining what steps to take in order to balance your alkalinity and manage the nutrient deficiencies BEFORE you become a statistic. Potential cancer crystals & cells can be detected well before they run rampant and then zapped with a healthy regime of juicing, chlorophyll, wheat grass, lifestyle stress analysis and other holistic ways to eliminate your risk of being diagnosed with the big C! If you have already been diagnosed with cancer or another disease I highly recommend enlisting a specialized Alkaline consultant to guide you in your journey back to health, which I whole heartedly believe is possible. Please contact me for recommendations depending on your location.
I do believe you COULD have a genetic weakness and that if you are NOT conscious about your health then it can flare up but you can have this weakness your entire life and never have it affect you. I also believe “You are what you eat, think, do and breath”. Ideally we should choose an authentically healthy diet, a low stress lifestyle with a positive outlook on life, actively move our bodies often, and live & work in a healthy non toxic environment. The air you breath at home and work, within our world full of toxins, and the energies of your environments contributes immensely to an unhealthy body. Power lines, gas & paint fumes, pollutions, computers, I can hardly get started there are so many. So with all this, how do we actually get it right? First you have to wake up!- become consciously aware of the problems and then slowly chip away at the things you know you need to eliminate-all before the cancer diagnosis arrives-cuz it’s inevitable, if you aren’t paying attention. And you need to hurry it up! More and more younger folks are dying of cancer due to increased exposure from every angle in their life.
So ask yourself, are you doing everything you can to make sure you aren’t the next cancer patient? or for your family, so one of them isn’t next? If you are already patting yourself on the back because you are consciously aware and do your best to live a healthy lifestyle, how about this question. Is there one more thing that you could do better? What would take your health regime to the next level? If you are just coming out of hibernation and waking up, good for you! I congratulate you for reading this thru and am excited to be a part of your journey:)
My promise is to continue to inspire you to make the best choices possible with your diet and anything else I can contribute. But there are tonnes of books and an entire world wide web of information for you to explore in order to learn how to be healthy all over again. Check them out, I have some in the sidebar of this site and I have lots still to add that are out there (actually I’ll get my sister Yvonne on that right away!) and lots on my book shelf but do explore for yourself.
I hope this snow stops soon, sheesh, there’s over 5 inches out there now! Time for some healthy hot chocolate for all of us to stay nice and warm. Have a super duper week and I’ll see you soon!
Psst. almost forgot to mention the styling props
-Polka dot plates in blue and red are from the Conran Shop in New York City although it was on Sale so not sure if it was discontinued
-Fabric is from Purl Soho in NYC too.
-The ceramic measuring cups are available in two colour ways by Abbot of England , I mixed a blue set with red from the yellow orange set. The blue set doesn’t appear to be availble on-line but many retail shops stock Abbott products, just keep your eyes open.
-Ceramic measuring spoons are from Anthrologie but eek-looks like they aren’t available on-line, but do check in-store if you live near a retail store in the US-apparently we have one in Canada, in Toronto.

Lovely lovely recipe and vibrant pictures. Love spelt and use it so often to make pancakes and waffles. Hope you are doing well?
Meeta, thanx for taking a minute, I am very well and hope you are too!
Sound advice on being proactive about our health – it is sad that we often need an added impetus to amp up our efforts at health & vitality. It should be enough that eating and living with a focus on holistic health and whole foods makes you feel sensational! Once the word gets out that good nutrition can equate to scrumptious spelt pancakes, i’m sure more people will jump on board 🙂
Katey, thanx for your thoughts:) I think some have forgotten what it’s like to have energy and feel good as they are a little numbed by a poor diet and sluggish feelings. Also it’s easy to Not be in tune with your body when you are sooo numb. And if you are lucky you wake up or you have a case of a mild diagnosis that gives you the motivation needed to try something different. If you are not so lucky you end up with the Big C or another very debilitating disease. I hope to wake people up before they reach this point.
Hi Julie and Yvonne,
during lunch I have read through this post. Can I just say it is amazing. I totally agree with you! I also believe that “You are what you eat”. My boyfriend and I have been vegetarians for a while now and we are on the border of vegan nutrition but we still love cheese, chocolate and we couldn’t give them up yet. And yeah, sometimes we like drinking a glass of quality red or white wine… so we have our special treats.
I think healthy nutrition is very important to prevent cancer, also to go through a live blood analysis but if your mentality is not right, if you live a stressful life, healthy nutrition is not enough. I don’t know if you heard about the German New Medicine? This “method” offers a completely new understanding of what we call “diseases”. By understanding the system’s 5 biological laws (that Dr. Hamer discovered), we liberate ourselves from panic and fear that often come with the onset of an illness. It is really a gift to humanity. Here you can find some information about it: http://www.germannewmedicine.ca/
About the pancake: I have been using spelt flour (whole wheat and white one) for a while and I love it. It is so great to bake breads, cakes, muffins, pancakes from it. I have never tried to make vegan pancakes because I always used an egg for the batter. I often change the milk into coconut milk or oatmilk but one egg is always there. I’m so happy to found your recipe, I will definitely give it a try.
Thanks for all the useful information. I started following you on Twitter.
(from Budapest, Hungary)
Zita, Hello, Budapest hey! I have distant relatives in Szegedn not far from you, as my maiden name is that with an i, Szegedi. If I ever make it over I will let you know:) As for the GNW medicine, I found it quite fascinating to read, I liked his theory, thank you for sharing. I will be exploring it further indeed. As for the wine & treats, it’s fine to zig and zag every now and then when you have a well balanced lifestyle with loads of energy and no ailments, since then your body is well prepared for any toxins you choose to enjoy. I still do my best to choose the healthiest of treats since I seem to enjoy them even more than if I had my old favourite, not so healthy treats. For the pancakes, certainly try your coconut milk as that may be quite nice. I’m just so pleased that they have a nice texture without the egg. Thank you kindly for your comments.
That was quite a long post but I couldn’t stop reading it. No one I know has cancer at the moment(isn’t that a weird thing to be able to say these days?) but I do have a brother in law with only one kidney and the same thing applies. He eats a lot of take out and junk food and we’re all so worried about him(and his wife and unborn child). They make the excuse that his blood pressure was low that day so it’s OK that they went out and got Chinese food. That way of thinking doesn’t make any sense to me! We all want to help him and it breaks our hearts to see him obviously not caring about what he puts in his body but he needs to choose to help himself first I guess. Thank you for this post I really enjoyed it. It really helped solidify my goals in my mind 🙂
Heidi, I’m sooo glad you made it thru my wordy post. It’s very tricky with family but the best way is to live by example and slowly “drip on them” with your conscious lifestyle and a vibrant healthy you.
Your blog is GORGEOUS! This recipe looks fantastic too, I can’t wait to make it on a cozy weekend morning 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
I have often thought about getting a live blood analysis. Do you know of a professional in the Lexington, Kentucky area?
Joyce I will send you some info via email alright:)
I’m a fairly new reader of your blog. I just wanted to say thank you for this post (and all the others too!). I began taking control of my health halfway through last year, but I am always looking for additional steps I can take to be healthy. There is so much to learn and not all changes can be made in a day. I’m enjoying the process, though I do often wonder as you did in this post, why others don’t wake up and take care of themselves.
Hi Julie,
I can only say: Oh My God! I am from Szeged!!! That is my home town where I grew up, my parents, brother and only grandmother still live there. How small the world is! 🙂 I am so glad you shared this information with me.
I am also glad you find GNM fascinating. This can be a huge help to cure cancer and different kind of illnesses.
Planing to make your pancake for breakfast tomorrow.
Oh maaaaaaaaaan these look INSANELY yummy… and I LOVE the little owl!
I love everything here actually… I think I’ve found my happy place…
You are sooo sweet Theax, thank you! It’s my happy place too! You may find the dragon fruit in an Asian market if you have one close by. And maybe I could do a post for you but I have a wee line up that I need to tidy up but let’s stay in touch:)
I made these over the weekend using coconut flour and they turned out delish! Thank you for the inspiration Alkaline Sisters!
Very nice and informative post. I am actually experimenting between vegetarian, vegan and raw foods. It’s so exiting to see what can be learned when just leaving the beaten track.
Birgit, an alkaline lifestyle is rather a combination of all three, with an emphasis on greens and 80% being alkaline & veggies and 20% for play you could say that can be acidic. It’s a good balance that will keep you healthy. Thanx for dropping in. Good luck with your experimenting. Check out the books in the sidebar.
They look gorgeous, I love using spelt flour in all my baking.
Hi , I am your blog reader from India 🙂 … I absolutely love the way you have come with this diet. Its so much needed in todays time …I am not saying I have totally started this diet But the recipes are so helpful and tasty. I particularly appreciate this pancake since I saw many baking blogs and all they use is abundance of all purpose floor and granulated sugar. I wanted to ask where do you get this spelt flour ? (did you mean wheat flour?) What is its significance ?
Naiya, thank you kindly. The spelt flour can be found in some health food stores or you may even find the spelt flakes that you can grind up finely. The benefit of that spelt is more nutritious than wheat containing vitamin B2, manganese, niacin, thiamine, and copper. People tend to be less sensitive to this small crop as is not a stored grain like wheat that often develops mold in storage, making wheat very difficult to handle for many. Spelt is Not gluten free but a much better option than white or whole wheat flour and has a nice nutty flavour. Thanx for stopping in:)
Hi Julie! I’m 15 years old, and love to eat healthy. It makes me feel better in every way, and I’ve found that these recipes have sooo much more variety than others. I’m vegan, and avoid gluten as much as possible. I googled this recipe when I first started my vegan journey, and stumbled upon this incredible treasure trove of recipes and beautiful advice! Thank you so much for being a positive influence on my lifestyle, and dishing out marvelous treats. Also, for this recipe I added flax seeds, cocoa, cinnamon and bananas to add an extra punch of healthy fullness to my day. (:
Thanks again!
HI Zi, I am sooo impressed!!! Good for you for noticing what you body likes and following this intuition at such a young age when your peers are probably not eating that healthy. Your additions to the pancake recipe sound really nice. Just be aware that bananas are very high in sugar so it adds a lot more sugar to this recipe. If you don’t have the syrup and just have fruit on top this would lessen the sugar load so that you don’t crash so bad. Also, we only ever have a pancake breakfast like this as a treat on the weekend and we always juice veggies prior so that we maintain a good alkaline balance as these pancakes are not alkaline but they are a great alternative to most other recipes and they are full of good nutrients, Balancing with your alkalizing foods is the most ideal way to consume them. We used to just eat pancakes for breakfast but we would be starving with a serious sugar high in about an hour! Now our morning juice nourishes and the pancakes are a much better recipe. You could add more protein by slathering raw almond butter on them- I love them this way:) Please keep me posted and let me know how you are doing, I love to mentor young folks:) Thanks for stopping by:)
So, I think I found you via pinterest. Who knows with my daily search of wholesome, cut the crap out sugar and processed food recipes. I loved your site for all the photos. I was drawn to the pancakes since almost every weekend I make our families traditional buttermilk pancakes (no sugar, whole wheat flour) My mind/body has been telling me to make something else. To give our two small children a better food to eat. They are 1.5 and 2.5. So I took a look at your title and it just blared to read, read read. Your entire article is exactly how our family thinks. What you wrote about cancer and why most take a look at what they do on a daily bases, after the diagnosis rings true. I also have seen first hand those who just take the word of the doctor and do whatever they say. We have had almost 10 friends, THIS PAST YEAR, get diagnosed and NONE of them are seriously considering what they do to their body (eating, thoughts, etc) has anything to do with their diagnosis. Thank you so much for the write up. I love how you put in the benefits of the ingredients. I am still learning about many different ingredients myself. Looking forward to making these and enjoying our own homemade berry syrup. Thanks for all you do and you are now one of my top sites to visit.
Linda, so glad you are able to share healthy ways with your small children as the younger you start the easier it is. It’s sad how many folks we all know whom are suffering or have recently lost their cancer battle. I hope to share with as many people as I can on how to avoid the dreaded disease. I love exploring new healthy ingredients, it’s fun to get creative in the kitchen. All the best to you on your journey and I hope you visit often:)
Wow! I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. Maybe through Detoxinista? I think so. Anyway, my aunt (a student in in deaf interpreting from St. Louis), my little sister (a mom, fashion designer and yogi from Maui) and I (a mother for four living in Minnesota) all embarked on an 80/20 Raw Food diet after lots of talking (and wine) over the holidays. We are new to this and really trying to find our way. I’m glad to have found you and will look forward to my Alkaline Sisters emails! You are amazing and inspiring – those photos, wow!!! I know you’ll help us stay on track…We blog about our experiences at The Naked Diary (thebarelynakeddiary.blogspot.com). Wish us luck…
I used your pancake recipe for my Sunday morning breakfast. They were delicious and light! This is my favorite vegan pancake recipe! Thank you for posting 🙂
Julie, Your blog is beautiful. I am a Nutrition and Dietetics student and found you via G0lubka and am just so sincerely impressed. Alkalinity is something that needs to be understood and embraced. This post touched me because the question of ‘why don’t people realize the implications of what they put in their bodies on a daily basis?’ haunts me. I am hoping to have an emphasis in pediatric dietetics and it struck me how important people feel infant nutrition is but then when does it stop mattering? At what age does it stop being a priority? Right??
Anyway, your blog is an inspiration and I can’t wait to keep visiting and keep learning.
Go health and longevity!
Your website is amazing. It is delightful, fun and very informative. In my search for alkaline diet information I found ya’ll. At age 57 with an abnormal cell diagnosis my journey began. Thanks to a great friend Janice, who happens to be my age and manages one of our health stores, she expanded my regimen to becoming more alkaline. Plus she introduced me to the “Essiac Tea” cancer cure. She gave me the tea with instructions on how to make it and use it. This ongoing journey lead me to so many good things. Menopause at 42 years put me in the direction of the importance of staying away from the medicine man. Once I read Dr. John Lee’s book “What Doctors will Not Tell you about Menopause” it changed my view of the medical world. It took a little longer for my lifestyle choices to change. I lucked out with an awesome chiropractor, Dr. Smith, who educated me to the point of no return. I did try and unfortunately for a short period suceeded. So here I am now with a seemingly gun to my head doing what I know I should have been doing all along. Revisiting past information, rereading or reading for the first time books in my own collection and reaching out to the people that have the knowledge. My current books are “Death by Diet” and “The Calcium Factor”. No matter what you read about good healthly lifestyle choices it all goes down to one thing, we and we alone are responsible for these choices so it better be good. Knowledge is Power……Thank you ladies so much for your dedication to keep people informed…Ya’ll are truly a blessing….
Sylvia, thank you for your generous comment. You are sooo right, we are fully responsible for our choices and the outcomes to our health. If we wake up, wisen up, we can live such fulfilling and healthy lives. I’ll have to watch out for those books:)
^Yeah, sooo right, people with cancer can only blame themselves
I made these today and they are so tasty! I combined apple chunks, honey, and cinnamon and heated until it was just a little soft, then placed it on top of the pancakes. So delicious!
Thank You.
LOVE your blog! 🙂 Just wanted to know if this would work with whole wheat spelt flour as well?
Charlotte, yes you certainly can use whole wheat spelt but it will be a bit heavier. I have done so but I also had a wee issue cuz I didn’t realize my baking powder had expired so it was the combination that yielded a denser pancake. I haven’t tried it yet since then tho. Let me know if you give it a whirl.
I wanted to drop in to say that these pancakes were absolutely delicious and easy to make! I made these for my husband and I this morning. Thank you for your insight on the alkaline lifestyle!
Hi Julie,
Since discovering your website over a week ago, I have done nothing but read just about every entry you have made! It has been such a wonderful experience… Yesterday I made your Spelt and Vanilla Vegan Pancakes for my family! They were just SO delicious (my husband, Richard, said that they were the tastiest pancakes he has ever had) I made them again this morning! As I am simply loving Chia seeds these days, I included about two tablespoons of ground Chia in the mixture. They were fabulously delicious! Thank you for such a great recipe. 🙂
I just made the Spelt and Vegan pancakes this morning (with the blueberries). They were great and easy to make! I am not a big cook so the easy to make aspect is big for me. I’ve just started changing my diet and did a Google search and your site popped up. It is a pleasant surprise – great pictures, informative explanations about the alkaline lifestyle, personal stories, amazing recipes. Do you have a cookbook?
Hi Jen, Just submitted my alkaline cook book manuscript to the publisher before Christmas so expect it in the spring of 2015:)
These were SO GOOD! First time using spelt flour. I loved the flavor! They were a bit fragile, but that was mostly just me wanting to turn them before it was time. They bubbled nicely which made them easy to cook, and they browned beautifully with the coconut oil. It was so nice to not have to worry about butter burning! I’ll make these again for sure!
Hi, I am prepping to make this recipe next week and was wondering why alcohol free vanilla? I am also having a hard time finding cold pressed sunflower oil. What brand do you recommend? Thanks!
Stephanie, sorry so tardy. I substitute melted coconut oil quite regularly now and you can certainly use regular pure vanilla. Let me know how they turned out and if you liked the recipe.
I’m glad to have google found this recipe! Out of necessity, I had to substitute in-recipe Kosher Salt, Olive Oil and Coconut Milk. The Maple Syrup and Vanilla really add to the pancake flavor. Thankfully they still turned out tasty! So I’m mos def keeping this recipe for future pancake making :-)…
Glad they turned out, thanks for your comments! Be sure to upgrade your salt to Himalayan or Celtic so you get the correct balance of minerals with your sodium as kosher isn’t really ideal as it is highly processed and has lost most of it’s beneficial minerals:) It’s great for icy sidewalks tho:)
I am new to alkaline foods for health! I am a two time cervical cancer survivor……who was just diagnosed again with two cancerous tumors. I am using traditional medicine/ chemotherapy, but am also plunging headfirst into this lifestyle change. My husband, 5 young children, and myself are too important to be half hearted about this. I always promised myself I would take better care of my body and treat it as the gift from God that it is, and I have minimized alcohol consumption, quit smoking (6 years!), and cut out much of the processed foods, out still always fell wayyyyyyyyy short on really eating for health. Sorry to ramble, but this is a lovely recipe and informative website that I can definitely use on my journey:) thanks
I made these lovely pancakes this morning. They are so delicious! Thanks for the post, I will be making them again soon, they were just perfect.
Hi! Very nice website!
Question about the spelt vanilla pancakes…is it 2 tablespoons baking powder? or teaspoons? My pancakes had a bad bitter aftertaste and I felt it may be the baking powder? What do you think?
Thank you!
Hi Sapna, funny….we make this exact recipe nearly every single weekend, my husband is the cook then. We always use that amount of baking powder which is a lot since there are no eggs in the recipe. Try cutting back perhaps in case your baking powder mixture is different than ours. I haven’t had this feed back thus far and this recipe has been used my so many readers. I do find that baking powder has a shelf life and doesn’t raise the batter at all if it has expired. Check your date. If it’s fresh maybe that brand is stronger tasting too. Your flour could also be rancid which can also cause a bitter taste. Sorry it’ didn’t work well for you. Might just need to try again, and test batter after adding 1 tbsp of BP and then another to see if that’s the source of the issue. Let me know how you make out so we can both learn from this if you please.
Just love your blog!!
I’m new to it. I’ve already tried a few recipes and I’ve loved them all.
Could you give me any references in the Issaquah, WA area, or nearby areas to get a blood analysis?
Thank you Sheri
Try this link for the nearest microscopist. These ones are highly recommended. All the best.
Hi, my huby and I just tecently adapted to an alkaline diet, and we love it. I have a quick question on these spelt pancakes. I do this recipe exactly as you have it. And my pancakes always come out flat and the Middle in the inside is not fully cooked no matter what heady temperature or how long I leave them cooking. What am I doing wrong?
Yadira, Oh gosh I have made these a thousand times and have not had this problem. Perhaps make the batter drier with more flour, less liquid and cook them slowly. Stir only just to mix as the BP is instantly acitivated with the contact of moisture. Let me know how it goes.
I’m vegan and can only have spelt flour, couldn’t believe it when this wonderful recipe came up after a search. Was so much more than I could have hoped for! Thank you!
Hi Julie
Thank you for your inspiring post about cancer. My Dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer some years back but turned it around with a diet of fresh organic raw fruit n veg; vitamin B17 and a tincture known as Essaic. He avoided surgery (which is what his father had to try to remove hid own bowel cancer and sadly died of it not long after) It just disappeared. I completely agree with everything you say here!
I’m in Ayrshire in Scotland and wd really like to find a live blood analysis practitioner. I will do my own research of course but should you happen to know of any in this part of the world… 🙂
All the best,
Keri, Check the microscopust directory on http://www.phmiracleliving.com under resources.
Hope there is one close to you:)
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