Yummm…… how delightfully fresh and welcoming is the flavour of healthy green organic veggies especially after a little zig and zag over the holidays combined with a lack of sleep! It’s completely energizing and uplifting to dine on this pretty green soup knowing full well that it’s what my body is begging for. I did my best over the holidays to make good choices, enjoy a few treats and make the most of every gathering without feeling like I was missing out cuz I truly do prefer to eat the most nourishing food available without causing any extra fussing for my hosts. How did you make out? Are you feeling pretty good or do you think need to eat extra greens for a while to cleanse the system somewhat? It’s completely natural to feel sluggish in the new year after all the treats but the best way to ward off the dreaded flu is to get back to your clean eating habits and empty those toxins before they settle in too deep and start causing havoc. Drinking lots of water, 3-4 liters a day of filtered, preferably alkaline water, will work wonders along with greens powder in your water to gently detox your body.
January is a good time to do a cleanse but it’s important to make the time to do it properly if you are going to do a serious, diet altering cleanse and be sure to give yourself the opportunity to also rest versus work while you cleanse. A weekend may be long enough but it’s best to just lay low at home and give your body time to rest and detox with out over exerting it. This juice feast can be done over 2 or 3 days and is a great way to jump start your health for the year. If you prefer not to do a serious cleanse perhaps adding an alkaline smoothie to your morning routine would be a nice way to detox.
This soup is a wonderful detox potion that tastes delicious and is completely alkaline. It’s the perfect recipe to follow your juice feast days or to just incorporate into your January routine a few days a week. It makes enough for 3-4 good sized bowls of soup and keeps well in the fridge for 2-3 days. Blending it in a vitamixer will warm it gently to approx 118 celsius or you can place it in a sauce pan over low heat for a few minutes stiring and watch carefully so as not to over heat it and damage the precious heat sensitive vitamins and enzymes that make it so dynamic.
I can’t resist making food look pretty and when I saw this absolutely gorgeous organic watermelon radish cut in half at the Organic Acres on Granville Island (the only organic produce booth in the market) in Vancouver I had to have it! Isn’t it stunning? I just adore how vibrant and pretty the pink is with the apple green edging and white variegation. I know it’s just a vegetable but it’s such a pretty one! I can’t help myself, I love veggies! I love how vibrant they are and how they nourish thy body and I love photographing them! I’ve had this precious radish in the crisper over Christmas just waiting for the perfect opportunity to share it! Today was the day! I just used it as a garnish to add a little pep to the colour and a nice crunch to the soup.
Raw Green Veggie Soup w/ Avocado & Cilantro
Yield: 4 servings
Please use Organic Veggies:)
1 avocado
1 small zucchini, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 cups raw spinach
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1/2 cup fresh cilantro
2 slices green pepper
1/8 cup raw onion, chopped
1 small clove garlic
1/4 cup raw almonds, preferably soaked over night and rinsed
1/4 tsp sea salt to taste
1 1/2 cups filtered water
juice of 1/2 to 1 lemon
1 small watermelon radish for garnish, diced small
Place all the ingredients in the blender except the sea salt and process to desired consistency and warmth if you have a Vitamix. If you have a regular blender you may pour into a sauce pan and gently warm over low heat until just warm enough to enjoy but not hot. Adjust seasoning further with sea salt to your liking and add a squeeze of lime juice to brighten the flavour if you wish, garnish with radish and enjoy!
You might like to blend it just til creamy, maintaining a little texture or you might just want it as smooth as velvet, depending on your mood. If you have a Vitamix it will certainly do this for you otherwise it’s lovely with some texture. I find that a little texture allows your taste buds to notice more of the individual flavours so it’s a good thing! So don’t panic if you don’t own a Vitamix as an average blender will also be suitable. You can serve this soup with a slice of sprouted whole grain bread, yeast free if you can find it, or some raw crackers or croutons. If you are cleansing, a salad with this would be nice too! Because this soup is blended (pre-digested) your digestive system will be very happy as most of the work to break down the food is already done. This is also one of the reasons you will feel energized after consuming this soup as less energy will be expended to your digestion, with more energy available for other tasks. More time for fun cuz you won’t need a nap!
I don’t know about you but there’s something so nice about clearing away the Christmas decor. I love decorating for Christmas and as pretty, sparkly and festive as it was with my new theme for the dining room this year that was spiked with bright pink ‘a la Decor 8 influence” (my dear friend Holly’s inspiration, using vintage ornaments from my childhood) it felt good to tidy it away til next year. Now the clean uncluttered space feels so….January…. so new year….so new beginning-ish and fresh. What’s your take? Do you feel melancholy upon tear down or are you glad it’s all finish for the season? How does your house feel, empty or fresh? What I usually do if it feels bare and stale is pick up a bouquet of flowers or a pot of tulips and rearrange a few things and then I feel all better again about my house.
What do you think?- pretty? It was fun for a change to have the pink, I think I’ll do it again next year! I usually do the more traditional silver, gold and white and sometimes a little red but this was more peppy and prettier-I’m partial to pink as you can see in this post!
This is a corner of the living room where all is back to it’s pre-Christmas position. It’s my favourite corner as this is where I house my very favourite style props for this blog to photograph my recipies with. I love just peering over my little collection and choosing something pretty like the bowl and the plate that I used for this soup today, both Anthropology finds (but no longer available however there are other lovelies). It makes me happy just knowing that I can be inspired at any time with a simple bowl and make some magic happen with my camera.
Here’s close up view so you can peek at some of my pretties!
And this is a peek at how nice and organized my kitchen feels with my new spice rack and a tidy counter after all the entertaining that went on in this kitchen!
So I’m feeling ready for 2012 with a tidy and fairly organized house, now I’m not saying….. that all the other parts of the house are perfectly pretty and tidy, it’s a work in progress and there’s lots of de-cluttering to do. It’s a good thing you can’t see it all!! Spring cleaning will be on our list this weekend and over the coming weekends when the weather isn’t so nice in between studying of course.
But hey, I wanted to ask you something. What would you say is your health goal for 2012? I’ve been thinking mine thru cuz I wasn’t successful with my last years goal as I think I made it too ambitious! Can you imagine adjusting something in your life that would yield a healthier You? Do you feel compelled to think about making a change for the better in some area? I often think that there’s always room for even a small adjustment that can sometimes yield big results! What about something as simple as adding an extra glass or two of water a day to your routine. This could be HUGE! If you feel like you can commit to a small health goal I’d LOVE to hear about it and perhaps we can support each other until it become second nature-usually it takes about 6 weeks for a new routine to stick. My goal last year was to exercise every single day in some way. This year my goal is to exercise 3x’s a week and anything more is a bonus that I can celebrate. I really need your help so if you are willing to check in on me I’d really appreciate it. For me the hardest part is accepting it as necessary for health versus feeling like it is an indulgence. I need to make it important enough to spend time on versus only feeling like I can use my time for studying or spent with my family. Essentially it will allow me to be more alert and more vibrant for both of these activities if I can give myself this gift of exercise to improve my overall health now and for the future. So please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section for a simple health goal that you could set for 2012 and we can all help each other with a little support thru our comments and even check in if we like. Sometimes just writing it and sharing it can feel official. So simple goals….it can even be something minor like taking your supplements more consistently-that I also need to do better!
Well…I start back to school on Monday, eeek! I have a test the first day back, so I had better hit the books pretty quick. We’re learning about diabetes, gout, hypoglycemia, asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis and what protocols we might suggest for patients who would like to take a more holistic approach and slowly wean off their pharmaceuticals and turn around their health picture, so it’s very exciting for us!
Then we start ‘Anatomy’ on Tuesday, this should prove to be very interesting. There will be a lot of memorization so I’m taking my phosphatidylserine PS to jump start my brain for the journey! Unfortunately, it just aint what it used to be so I need all the help I can get to drill all this wonderful information I am learning into my brain for retrieval later.
I’m still absolutely loving my program at IHN in Vancouver and can’t wait to get back to class, though I know I’ll miss my kids terribly, my little munckins pies, we’ve had such a nice break together. It’ll go fast tho, I know it!
I hope you had a lovely holiday and are ready to explore the possibilities for a wonderful, healthy 2012.
A Green Smoothie Cheer to you:)

Beautiful photos! I love raw soups. Definitely going to try this one!
That looks so yummy! I can’t wait to make it. Love your photos, so beautiful. I just read your piece in the lastest “Where Women Cook” magazine! That recipe in there looks fantastic, can’t wait to try that one also! Julie, thank you so much for all the information you provide. I am looking forward to any “school” posts on what you learn about diabetes as we are working on getting my husband off his meds if we can. Thanks again Julie and thank your family for being part of letting you help so many of us! Happy New Year!
Kelli, I may add some info on my next post for diabetes as it is so common. Keep up the healthy diet for you and your husband especially cuz you really can make an enormous shift with diet! I just had my test today on the material so we’ll see how I did. My posts seem to be bi-weekly with my study load so patience, patience:) In the meantime, I highly highly recommend reading Dr. Robert O. Young’s book for Diabetes http://www.amazon.com/pH-Miracle-Diabetes-Revolutionary-Diabetics/dp/0446691003/ref=as_li_wdgt_js_ex?&linkCode=wey&tag=alkalsiste-20 He is the scientist that I study and it is chalk full of the answers you really need! Thanks kindly for your comments, glad you enjoyed the magazine! I’ve got three more columns in the mag this year so stay tuned! Happy New Year to you too!
Happy New Year, Julie!!
As always, beautiful post! Especially enjoyed the pictures of your house.
I absolutely agree, there is something nice and inspiring about starting the new year with clearing away the Christmas decoration and clean the house for the new year, adding some fresh flowers or just rearrange some of your favorite items. And yes, it is the perfect time to focus on cleansing yourself too and try to establish better eating habits. To not get lost in way too ambitious resolutions, I found it helpful to write down a list with maybe 5-6 little changes I want to make to my lifestyle (such as really drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, cutting back meat to once a week and only use local, organic, free-range meat, etc.) Then I focus on just one goal at a time, and once it has become second nature and I no longer need to make an effort or remind myself, I move on to the next. This way I manage to make at least 4-5 diet or lifestyle changes each year. One step at a time, but every year a little healthier.
I wish all of us a healthy & exciting new year!
Thanks, Julie, for inspiring us wih your beautful blog.
Anja, thanks kindly for sharing your tips for easily achieving more than one goal for 2012! Yay! I think I’ll adapt your methods!! Happy New Year to you too:)
Hi Julie,
this is Steffi from Germany. I’ve been reading your blog for a while, always admiring all your precious knowledge about nutrition and your encourageing spirit about living healthy! Thanks for all this information! Your personal story is totally fascinating.
My health related goal for this year is to exercise at least 3 times a week (that is: stick to my exercise routine from last year and/or expland it!) and eat more raw and alkaline food! My husband and I have found it energizing to eat raw, but we are still in our process of building a “raw routine” in our eating habits. My precize goal is to eat 2 raw meals per day plus green smoothies and fruit snacks. I’m afraid I am not ready to honestly give up dairy and gluten, but there must be something for 2013, right?!
Wish you good luck and – even more important – a lot of endurance for your exams! I’ll have exams, too, for the next 5 months. Let’s take good care of ourselves!
Love from the Black Forest
Steffi, thanks so much for your comments and for sharing your health goals! It’s great to do these changes together for best sustainability! You may find that you feel so great that the dairy and gluten may fall to the wayside all on it’s own, who knows! It’s a journey and you will find your path. All the best to you in your studies as well:) Green Smoothie Cheer!
Mmmmm great timing! I am in need of a healing soup for lunch today so will definitely be making this! Speaking of soups, I just made your butternut squash soup with cilantro crème last night – it’s AMAZING. And so healing. My health goal for 2012: to fully heal my gut … thankfully with the help of the Alkaline Sisters’ wonderful recipes. Any digestion-friendly tips or recipes you have would be much-appreciated moving forward (that post you did about the way digestion works was seriously the best description I’ve read anywhere and I’ve read A LOT about it recently so bravo!) Happy New Year- wishing you continued health, happiness and love in 2012 ! Bisous from Paris, Rebecca
My goal is to use 50-75% less salt in my cooking at home and to keep our diet colorful!
Hi Julie, your website is gorgeous! The pictures are inspiring and it is a great way to get someone’s taste buds going!
I have a couple of questions for you:
1) regarding one of the links on your website -Global Healing Center, have you personally tried any of their products, I am looking at Oxy Powder for bowel cleansing?? They seem to have 22 great reveiws and not one bad one, which seems a little suspicious…
2) After being diagnosed with HPV CIN 3 last December, I decided to go 75% raw and 25% cooked. I am not accustomed to eating so many vegetables as normally I eat everything i.e. org chicken, org beef, org ham, fish and org eggs, spelt, Kamut, no white anything. I love vegetables but not in the quantity you eat them in. I am willing to change my habits to avoid future ailments as I am not the type to normally get sick, this HPV was a surprise to me! I am going for another biopsy on April 18th, to see if my precancerous cells regressed.
BTW, I just made your Raw Green Veggie Soup w/ Avocado & Cilantro and wow it was delicious! It was edible!!! I actually enjoyed it 🙂 You passed the test, I can’t wait to try your other recipes! I have tried other raw soup recipes with avocado in it and it was blah…
I had to compost it 🙁
I live in Montreal and would be interested in finding a good Holistic Nutritional School in my City as Toronto is too far (6 hrs away). Would you be able to find out from your school who they would recommend in Montreal?
I will definately be referring your website to my family and friends.
Thanks so much for the effort you put into your website!
Hi Nathalie, sorry but your comment was lost in the shuffle some how:( I’m hoping that since your comment was written you have seen a regression of those cells. My guess is you have! I’m only a little familiar with the Global Healing Center, but I have seen Dr.Group around on the internet for some time. He seems quite sincere in his passion for sharing health and his site is very extensive with lots of info. I’m going to guess it’s fine to do business with them. I like the products that are linked on my site (the super greens on the left) because I have used them and they really worked for me. Glad you liked the soup! I’m not familiar with Montreal but there is a program on line called IIN at this link that maybe you can investigate. Thank you for stopping in and my apologies for the delayed response:)
Just made this and SHUT THE FRONT DOOR-it is DELICIOUS!! My store didnt have watermelon radish also, they only had curly italian parsely so I still bought that…Thank you, Julie for all your awesomeness!
Also, your picture has lime in it but I didn’t see it in the ingredient list?? Should I have included lime?
Love raw soups! Green soups are my favourite. Thanks for the recipe and the gorgeous photos.
P.s. That is one good looking kitchen you’ve got there! Loving the herbs in the white pots, and the spice rack is so organized.
I can’t have spinach due to the oxalates (I get kidney stones). What would you replace it with?
Eeek sorry…. this is your very old question- Answer: In place of spinach try a combination of strong greens with mild -say chard or kale mixed with baby lettuces or romaine so it isn’t over powering. Spinach works nicely cuz it is quite mild.
I am very new to your website (since my alkaline passion started just over a month ago) and I absolutely love the creative ideas and the colorful photography! The color schemes and the props you use are a delight to the eyes and makes me want to try every dish, however I have a long way to go to become a dedicated alkalinist (is that a word?) I especially love the idea of your menu page which is filled with attractive pictures, makes it hard to choose which one to click on first.
I have a couple of questions for you if you dont mind answering them:
1. Our passion for alkaline stuff started with drinking alkaline water (essentia @9.5 ph) first and later on we moved on to a alkaline water pitcher which was more cost effective. I am a little worried about drinking alkaline water during pregnancy and whether it really helps the baby in very early stages of pregnancy. I believe an alkaline ph also helps avoid the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. Do you have any insight on this?
2. You encourage the use of organic stuff for all your recipes, however they are not that easy to source for me and I mostly buy the regular veggies and soak them for a long time in water (leaves) or brush really hard under running water. Do you think drinking raw veggie juices and soups like the one above with regular veggies is doing more harm than good to your body especially during pregnancy?
Many thanks in advance,
Sorry to have missed this way back when:(
Alkaline water is most certainly safe for baby as long as you gradually incorporate it and go easy on the pH level of it til your body adjusts as it could detox your body too quickly and pass this to your baby.
Raw veggies and soups are an optimal diet for when you are pregnant. But again any shift should be gradual as mentioned for the water as it will detox too quickly. Go easy and slowly especially if you don’t typically eat veggies. Hope your pregnancy went well and baby is well. Try green juices and green smoothies when your baby is young before he/she can decide to refuse green foods. You want them to crave them. Six months isn’t too early for diluted green juices:) or fresh electrolyte rich coconut water:) Avoid fruits for as long as you possibly can so they won’t prefer them. All the best:)
Love your posts!!
Awe thx Mariaelena:)
Hi Julie: I love green soups. Can I use other greens. Spinach isn t good for me. What do you suggest? Thank you. Sonia
Most certainly you can. Try a combination of strong greens with mild -say chard or kale mixed with baby lettuces or romaine so it isn’t over powering. Spinach works nicely cuz it is quite mild. Curious tho, why can’t you have spinach?
I can’t have spinach, because in Brazil the spinach isn’t like your country. Hier, we haven’t baby Spinach and it isn’t quite mild. Thanks. I’d like to know about your book. I would interested to buy. Thanks so much.
Sonia, Sorry you don’t have spinach, have other greens in place. My book won’t be out til next spring 2015.
Hi, can you tell me if the greens powder you use is gluten free?
Thanks Cindy
Hi Cindy, what I understand is that there is no gluten in the grass of the wheat as in wheat grass since the gluten is in the seed kernel. Dr. Young has researched this and has indicated this. It should be fine but give it a gentle try and see how you do. Most people thrive on it after they have become accustomed to greens in their diet. Some people heal really well with only super greens especially if they are in hospital and cannot eat. All the best.
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